I often get an error android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException
, when I try get info from some api. I know that this problem is related to the main android thread, but I don't understand how to solve it - coroutines, async okhttp, or both?
P.S I have a bad eng, sorry.
My code:
class MainActivity: AppCompatActivity(), Alert {
private lateinit var binding: ActivityMainBinding
lateinit var api: ApiWeather
var okHttpClient: OkHttpClient = OkHttpClient()
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
binding = ActivityMainBinding.inflate(layoutInflater)
api = ApiWeather(okHttpClient)
binding.buttonGetWeather.setOnClickListener {
val cityInput = binding.textInputCity.text.toString()
if (cityInput.isEmpty()) {
errorAlert(this, "...").show()
} else {
val city = "${cityInput.lowercase()}"
val limit = "1"
val appId = "key"
val urlGeocoding = "http://api.openweathermap.org/geo/1.0/direct?" +
var status = false
val coordinates: MutableMap<String, Double> = mutableMapOf()
val job1: Job = lifecycleScope.launch {
val geo = api.getGeo(urlGeocoding)
if (geo != null) {
coordinates["lat"] = geo.lat
coordinates["lon"] = geo.lon
status = true
} else {
status = false
val job2: Job = lifecycleScope.launch {
when(status) {
false -> {
binding.textviewTempValue.text = ""
errorAlert(this@MainActivity, "...").show()
true -> {
val urlWeather = "https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?" +
val weather = api.getTemp(urlWeather)
binding.textviewTempValue.text = weather.main.temp.toString()
class ApiWeather(cl: OkHttpClient) {
private val client: OkHttpClient
init {
client = cl
suspend fun getGeo(url: String): GeocodingModel? {
val request: Request = Request.Builder()
val responseStr = client.newCall(request).await().body?.string().toString()
val json = Json {
ignoreUnknownKeys = true
return try {
} catch (e: Exception) {
return null
suspend fun getTemp(url: String): DetailWeatherModel {
val request: Request = Request.Builder()
val responseStr = client.newCall(request).await().body?.string().toString()
val json = Json {
ignoreUnknownKeys = true
return json.decodeFromString<DetailWeatherModel>(responseStr)
The problem is that api.getGeo(urlGeocoding)
runs in the current thread. lifecycleScope.launch {}
by default has Dispatchers.Main
context, so calling api function will run on the Main Thread. To make it run in background thread you need to switch context by using withContext(Dispatchers.IO)
. It will look like the following:
lifecycleScope.launch {
val geo = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { api.getGeo(urlGeocoding) }
if (geo != null) {
coordinates["lat"] = geo.lat
coordinates["lon"] = geo.lon
status = true
} else {
status = false
when(status) { ... }