
GETFOOTNOTES() and ALERT: How can I verify i f students append a footnote?

I want to verify on google docs if students added a footnote. My scripts doesn't run.


  function addNote () {
  const menuMessage = DocumentApp.getUi();
  const doc = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument();
  const notePiedPage = doc.getFootnotes();

  if(notePiedPage == DocumentApp.ElementType.FOOTNOTE){
    menuMessage.alert('Génial, le 3e mot de passe est BISCOTO');
  else {


  • This looks incorrect:

    const notePiedPage = doc.getFootnotes();
    if(notePiedPage == DocumentApp.ElementType.FOOTNOTE){
      menuMessage.alert('Génial, le 3e mot de passe est BISCOTO');

    because getFootnotes() returns an array

    Try something like this:

    function HowManyFootNotes() {
      const ui = DocumentApp.getUi();
      const doc = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument();
      const fA = doc.getFootnotes();
      if (fA.length > 0) {
        ui.alert(`This document has ${fA.length} footnotes`)

    Class Footnote