
Reading a text file in Android Studio Kotlin and making pointers

I am fairly new to Android + Kotlin, however I am wondering if there is a faster way to read a text (.pgn) file and mark pointers to places in the file for later reference.

At the moment I am using RandomAccessFile however it is incredible slow for a process that should be extremely quick.

This is my code at the moment:

private fun loadPGN() {
    try {
            val selectedPGN = File((context as MainActivity).filesDir, "mygames.pgn")
            val raf = RandomAccessFile(selectedPGN, "r")
            val length = raf.length()
            charPosition = raf.filePointer

            while (charPosition < length) {
                val str : String = raf.readLine()
                if (str.contains("[Event ")) {
                    mutableListEvent += charPosition
                    findMoves = true
                if (findMoves && ((str.startsWith(str.filter { it.isDigit() }) && !str.startsWith("[")) || str.startsWith("{ "))) {
                    mutableListMoves += charPosition
                    findMoves = false
                charPosition = raf.filePointer

            for (i in 0 until mutableListEvent.size) {
                val event = if (mutableListEvent[i] != mutableListEvent[mutableListEvent.size - 1]) mutableListEvent[i + 1] else length
                val moves = mutableListMoves[i]
                eventStr = raf.readLine().removeRange(0,8).replace("\"]", "")
                difference += (event - moves)
                headerLength += (mutableListMoves[i] - mutableListEvent[i])
                val byteArray = ByteArray(difference[i].toInt())
                val string = String(byteArray)
                var stringEdited = String(byteArray).replace("\n","")
                if (stringEdited.contains("{[")) {
                    val re = "\\{\\[.*?]}".toRegex()
                    stringEdited = re.replace(stringEdited,"")


            // Header Information
            for (i in 0 until headerLength.size) {
                charPosition = raf.filePointer
                while (charPosition < mutableListMoves[i]) {
                    val str = raf.readLine()
                    if (str.contains("[Site \"") || str.contains("[Date \"") || str.contains("[Round \"") || str.contains("[White \"") || str.contains(
                            "[Black \""
                        ) || str.contains("[Result \"") || str.contains("[EventDate \"") || str.contains("[PlyCount \"")
                    ) {
                        if (str.contains("[Site \"")) {
                            siteMutableList += str.replace("[Site \"", "").replace("\"]", "")
                        if (str.contains("[Date \"")) {
                            dateMutableList += str.replace("[Date \"", "").replace("\"]", "")
                        if (str.contains("[Round \"")) {
                            roundMutableList += str.replace("[Round \"", "").replace("\"]", "")
                        if (str.contains("[White \"")) {
                            whiteMutableList += str.replace("[White \"", "").replace("\"]", "")
                        if (str.contains("[Black \"")) {
                            blackMutableList += str.replace("[Black \"", "").replace("\"]", "")
                        if (str.contains("[Result \"")) {
                            resultMutableList += str.replace("[Result \"", "").replace("\"]", "")
                        if (str.contains("[EventDate \"")) {
                            eventDateMutableList += str
                        if (str.contains("[PlyCount \"")) {
                            plyCountMutableList += str
                    charPosition = raf.filePointer

        } catch (e: IOException) {

Once I have the pointers, I then load the information in a recycler view so as you're able to select which game (with information visible) you wish.

I have crawled stack overflow regarding this, however the majority of questions are just to read a whole text file and return that, not put pointers into places for reference


  • So I managed to figure out the 'issues' regarding this. raf.readLine() is EXTREMELY slow. This is a known problem, but not really talked about so much. Anyway I now use .readFully(), which is substantially faster.