
How to replace a specific position of a main grid (array of arrays)?

I'm coding a minesweeper and I got the UI and I can't modify it. I've made the grid for different sizes but now I need to push the mines into it, I created a function that gives me an array of mines in differents positions taking as parameter the boardsize, but I cant figure how push this array of mines into the grid replacing the cells if it match with mines position

Here is the code:

import { CellEnum } from "../types";
import { CellComponentType } from "../UI/components/CellComponentType";
import { getMinePositions, positionMatch } from "./mines";

export function def(boardSize: number, minesInGame: number) {
let board: CellEnum[][] = [];
const minePosition = getMinePositions(boardSize, minesInGame);
for (let xAxis = 0; xAxis < boardSize; xAxis++) {
const row = [];

for (let yAxis = 0; yAxis < boardSize; yAxis++) {
  let tile: CellEnum = CellEnum.Hidden


return board;

And this is the code of mines generator

import { CellComponentType } from "../UI/components/CellComponentType";
import { CellEnum } from "../types";

function randomNumber(size: number) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * size);

function positionMatch(a: CellComponentType, b: CellComponentType) {
return a.position === b.position;
function getMinePositions(boardSize: number, minesInGame: number) {
const positions: CellComponentType[] = [];

while (positions.length < minesInGame) {
let position: CellComponentType = {
  position: [randomNumber(boardSize), randomNumber(boardSize)],
  cell: CellEnum.Mine

if (!positions.some(positionMatch.bind(null, position))) {

return positions;

export { getMinePositions, positionMatch };

CellComponentType has this attributes:

type CellComponentType = {
position: [number, number];
cell: CellEnum;

And finally these are the different status that could have a cell

enum CellEnum {
Hidden = -1,
Cero = 0,
One = 1,
Two = 2,
Three = 3,
Four = 4,
Five = 5,
Six = 6,
Seven = 7,
Eight = 8,
Flag = 9,
Mine = 10,
ClickedMine = 11

I really appreciate if someone could help, thanks


  • You have a problem in your positionMatch-method. You are comparing the array itself when you actually want to compare the content of the array. Change your method like this:

    function positionMatch(a: CellComponentType, b: CellComponentType) {
        return a.position[0] === b.position[0]
            && a.position[1] === b.position[1];

    To add the mines to the field you can loop over your mine positions and overwrite the matching hidden fields before returning the board:

    for(let mine of minePosition) {
        board[mine.position[1], mine.position[0]] = mine.cell;