
Preconditions for SpEL DoS vulnerability CVE-2022-22950?

I'm a little confused about CVE-2022-22950 and the corresponding Spring advisory. The latter says that the vulnerability can be exploited through:

[...] specially crafted SpEL expression [...]

However, an application that allows users to craft SpEL expressions, allows these users to do pretty much anything. Including code injection, which has full impact on confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Plenty of other DoS opportunities here. Take this SpEL snippet for example, which executes the pwd command:


This command is fairly harmless, but it could be substituted with anything! Now, SpEL supports different EvaluationContexts which can be used to restrict what is allowed in a SpEL expression. E.g. the SimpleEvaluationContext forbids type expressions, like the one in the above SpEL snippet.

This leads me to 2 sets of questions:


  • Looking at the original advisory (translated from Chinese) - https://4ra1n.love/post/Xrym_ZDj3/

    It looks like exploiting this does require evaluation of arbitrary SpEL expressions. However - it allows for DoS even when using the SimpleEvaluationContext which is normally considered safe (or at least safer than EvaluationContext) and for example doesn't allow for RCE even when evaluating an arbitrary expression. But with this vulnerability, it will allow for a DoS.

    The vulnerable code shown in the advisory -

    SpelExpressionParser parser = new SpelExpressionParser();
    Expression expr = parser.parseExpression("new int[1024*1024*1024][2]");
    SimpleEvaluationContext context = SimpleEvaluationContext.forReadOnlyDataBinding().build();