I`m using svyby
from survey
to make some weighted ratios with their standard deviation and coefficient of variation, I use the code below to generate a three way table which provide me the ratio of subocup
compared to ocup
for male teleworker Hombre_subocup/ocup
, female teleworkers Mujer_subocup/ocup
and the exact same for non teleworkers males and females.
tasasub_tele_sex319<-ftable(svyby(~subocup, by= ~ tele_sinco11 + SEX, subset(sd319, EDA >= 15 & POS_OCU != "Trabajadores sin pago"), denominator = ~ocup, deff= T, level = 0.9, vartype = c("cv", "se"), na.rm.by = T,svyratio))
And get:
tele_sinco11_ Hombre_subocup/ocup Mujer_subocup/ocup
No teletrabaja_svyratio 0.084149460 0.080230723
No teletrabaja_cv 0.001782653 0.002152965
No teletrabaja_SE 0.021184369 0.026834665
No teletrabaja_DEff 3.896438704 3.593164119
Teletrabaja_svyratio 0.036515518 0.027384514
Teletrabaja_cv 0.003075113 0.002250647
Teletrabaja_SE 0.084213867 0.082186856
Teletrabaja_DEff 2.325352651 2.039503624
But I also need the total value of the ratio (without SEX), so I use this code and get this output:
tasasub_tele_tot319<-ftable(svyby(~subocup, by= ~ tele_sinco11, subset(sd319, EDA >= 15 & POS_OCU != "Trabajadores sin pago"), denominator = ~ocup, deff= T, level = 0.9, vartype = c("cv", "se"), na.rm.by = T,svyratio))
No teletrabaja svyratio 0.082730583
cv 0.001537011
SE 0.018578512
DEff 4.722529515
Teletrabaja svyratio 0.031475714
cv 0.001902234
SE 0.060434971
DEff 2.299934447
This would be the value of the ratio without any strata (a simple two way table).
What I want to do is to paste the last output to the former, so I get a male ratio column, female ratio column and total ratio column in the same table, so more or less it should look like this:
I wouldn't mind if the "total" columns goes first.
The solution is to combine first, then ftable
. Let's do this with a built-in data set:
> a<-svyby(~api.stu,denom=~enroll, ~stype+sch.wide, dclus1,svyratio)
> b<-svyby(~api.stu,denom=~enroll, ~stype, dclus1,svyratio)
> a
stype sch.wide api.stu/enroll se.api.stu/enroll
E.No E No 0.8794583 0.01429043
H.No H No 0.8386232 0.01170588
M.No M No 0.8390440 0.01478048
E.Yes E Yes 0.8508618 0.01231925
H.Yes H Yes 0.8286597 0.01622480
M.Yes M Yes 0.8589915 0.01272169
> b
stype api.stu/enroll se.api.stu/enroll
E E 0.8532672 0.01253361
H H 0.8300683 0.01472607
M M 0.8536738 0.01114203
These have different column names, but we can fix that
> b$sch.wide<-"Total"
> b
stype api.stu/enroll se.api.stu/enroll sch.wide
E E 0.8532672 0.01253361 Total
H H 0.8300683 0.01472607 Total
M M 0.8536738 0.01114203 Total
And now combine them
> ftable(rbind(a,b))
sch.wide No Yes Total
api.stu/enroll api.stu/enroll api.stu/enroll
E svyratio 0.87945833 0.85086183 0.85326723
SE 0.01429043 0.01231925 0.01253361
H svyratio 0.83862316 0.82865975 0.83006825
SE 0.01170588 0.01622480 0.01472607
M svyratio 0.83904396 0.85899149 0.85367375
SE 0.01478048 0.01272169 0.01114203