
LARAVEL, SESSION doesn't get saved (AttemptToAuthenticate)

I'm trying to make authentification based on user group, but the session won't get saved! Idk why

Here's the bit of my code. I checked everything else and it works. Actually, It worked even before that but I was implementing stripe and I updated the composer (which probably reset the settings here), and ever since it won't work.

I reimplemented my old code (which worked before) but something's wrong. Fortify\src\actions\AttemptToAuthenticate

 public function handle($request, $next)
    if (Fortify::$authenticateUsingCallback) {
        return $this->handleUsingCustomCallback($request, $next);

    if ($this->guard->attempt(
        $request->only(Fortify::username(), 'password'),
    ) {
        if(Auth::user()->utype === 'ADM')
        else if(Auth::user()->utype === 'USR')
            return redirect(RouteServiceProvider::HOME);
        else if(Auth::user()->utype === 'ENT')
        return $next($request);


NOTE: I've also referenced the Auth (use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;) and RouteServiceProvider (use App\Providers\RouteServiceProvider;) as appropriate. I have checked if it's saving it in the session and it doesn't seem so! Any ideas what could be causing it?


  • This should be easy to debug. Since I cannot reconstruct your scenario, I recommend the following for you:

    1. Test your session r/w by writing a simple unit test:
    /** @test */
    public function session_test()
        session(['utype' => 'ENT']);
        $session = Session::get('utype');
        $this->assertEquals('ENT', $session);
    1. Assuming you have a User Model and Factory, continue with a simple Authentication test:
    /** @test */
    public function user_can_authenticate()
        $user = User::factory()->create();
    1. set a breakpoint somewhere at $this->guard->attempt and start the debugger. My guess is, you even don't reach the session(['utype'=>'xxx']); lines