For image_picker MainActivity destruction I wanted to use other plugin to pick image. And I found wechat_camera_picker
as an alternative. But there was a problem while capturing the image. The captured image saved on Local Storage after selecting the image. Here is my code.
Future<File> getImageByCamera(BuildContext context) async {
final AssetEntity result = await CameraPicker.pickFromCamera(
pickerConfig: CameraPickerConfig(
shouldDeletePreviewFile: true,
enableRecording: false,
textDelegate: EnglishCameraPickerTextDelegate(),
if(result != null){
File pickedFile = await result.file;
pickedFile = await compressFile(pickedFile);
return pickedFile;
return null;
return null;
Does anyone have any solution of this problem?
you can use the below function to delete the locally stored file.
Future<bool> deleteFile(File pickedFile) async {
try {
await pickedFile.delete();
return true;
} catch (e) {
return false;
You can check the Delete Function Documation for referenece.