
Create hyperlinks in XLSXWriter using Python

I'm trying to create hyperlinks in an dataset that is eventually exported using xlswriter using a function I create in my python script. However, the output produced is not as expected.

=HYPERLINK() in Excel takes two arguments. These are the destination URL and the anchor text. It is this that I am trying to produce in Python using XLSXWriter so that when imported, Excel is able to read column as a link.

See exmaple below.

#create exmaple df
df = pd.DataFrame({'urls': ['', '', '','']})

#create function
def make_hyperlink(x):
for urls in df['urls']:
    return '=HYPERLINK(' + urls, "Site Link"

#apply function
df['hyperlink'] = df['urls'].apply(lambda x: make_hyperlink(x))

#view df 


    urls    hyperlink
0  (=HYPERLINK(, Site Link)
1 (=HYPERLINK(, Site Link)
2 (=HYPERLINK(, Site Link)
3  (=HYPERLINK(, Site Link)

I am expecting the output to display each of the individual URLs with 'Site Link' as the anchor text so I am unsure as to why the function only applies to the first URL but four times.

Guidance appreciated.


  • There are a couple of issues in your make_hyperlink() function and how you apply it. Here is a corrected version:

    import pandas as pd
    #create exmaple df
    df = pd.DataFrame({'urls': ['', '',
    #create function
    def make_hyperlink(url):
        return '=HYPERLINK("%s", "Site Link")' % url
    #apply function
    df['hyperlink'] = df['urls'].apply(make_hyperlink)
    #view df
    # Create a Pandas Excel writer using XlsxWriter as the engine.
    writer = pd.ExcelWriter('pandas.xlsx', engine='xlsxwriter')
    # Convert the dataframe to an XlsxWriter Excel object.
    df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Sheet1')
    # Close the Pandas Excel writer and output the Excel file.


    enter image description here