I'm currently running Android Studio Bumblebee 2021.1.1 in windows 10. The problem I have is each time I start android studio the device list is stuck in loading devices.
I tried these solutions
android studio device list stuck on loading/51101178
android device list showing in android studio got stuck/65177069
The soulutions provided in the threads sometimes work and sometimes don't but the real problem is even if I did fix it in the run time, The next time I open android studio it's still there.
I already tried updating android studio to latest version, reinstalling android studio, deleting all the caches and plugins and resetting it to default. Completely Deleting Sdk folder and downloading again. But nothing helped I don't know where this problem could be originate from
In my case deleting the "platform-tools" folder as Dyenal said didn't work because it said that the folder was open elsewhere (even when I had shut down android studio). If that's your case too, do this.