I have the following problem:
I have a relation table like this:
ParentId | ValueId
1 1
1 2
2 3
2 4
2 1
Then, I want to get the ParentId who have exactly the values which query say, no more, no less.
I have this query actually:
SELECT "ParentId" FROM public."ParentValueRelation"
WHERE "ValueId" = 1 AND "ValueId" = 2
GROUP BY "ParentId"
Expected to receive 1 but getting null
Answer in sequelize could be great but not necessary
There are number of ways to do this in Postgres. Like this for instance:
SELECT "ParentId" FROM public."ParentValueRelation"
WHERE "ValueId" = 1 OR "ValueId" = 2
GROUP BY "ParentId"
If there are duplicates in the table, you need to replace the having clause with