I'm trying to display only the right part of an image in QML by using the sourceClipRect property
Here is a snippet of the code
id : _image
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectCrop
width: parent.width
height: parent.height
sourceSize.width : undefined
sourceSize.height : undefined
source : imagePath
sourceClipRect: Qt.rect(sourceSize.width/2, 0, sourceSize.width/2, sourceSize.height)
smooth : true
mipmap : true
This image is inside an item with a fixed Width and Height
This gives me a warning and a binding loop on the property sourceClipRect, I'm guessing from using sourceSize in the sourceClipRect
I cannot use hard numbers in the sourceClipRect, as I don't know the original size of the picture
Do you know how can I avoid this binding loop ? Maybe by getting the original width and height another way, but I don't know any other way than sourceSize in pure QML
Ps : The results works as expected and is working fine, i just have an ugly warning stating a binding loop
Thanks a lot in advance
I finnaly found a fix for this that is acceptable. It is maybe not the cleanest but it's acceptable for me.
But at the instanciation of the image i just save the var without the binding like so
id : _image
property var sourceSizeWidth :{sourceSizeWidth = sourceSize.width} //initializing this way avoids the binding between sourceSize.Width and sourceSizeWidth
property var sourceSizeHeight :{sourceSizeHeight = sourceSize.height} //initializing this way avoids the binding between sourceSize.height and sourceSizeHeight
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectCrop
width: parent.width
height: parent.height
sourceSize.width : undefined
sourceSize.height : undefined
source : imagePath
sourceClipRect: Qt.rect(sourceSizeWidth/2, 0, sourceSizeWidth/2, sourceSizeHeight) //Use the unbinded var to set the sourceClipRect
smooth : true
mipmap : true
Doing an initialization like this avoid the binding between newly created sourceSizeWidth and QML property sourceSize.width
property var sourceSizeWidth :{sourceSizeWidth = sourceSize.width}
As I said, not the cleanest and there is probably a smarter way of doing it, but it's enough for now, works fine and without warning binding loop.
Cheers !