I'm looking at the Iris Dataset where I have calculated SHAP_values for my X_test dataset, I have provided the first five of each array as example:
array([[-0.02994951, -0.00631915, -0.11904487, -0.13368648],
[-0.00344951, 0.06718085, 0.24445513, 0.40281352],
[-0.02701866, -0.00925 , -0.084 , -0.16873134],
[-0.02994951, -0.00631915, -0.11904487, -0.13368648],
[-0.03526866, -0.001 , -0.11904487, -0.13368648]]),
array([[ 0.02296024, 0.0191085 , 0.27049242, 0.31693884],
[ 0.02209713, -0.0431662 , -0.12745271, -0.20947822],
[-0.0270254 , -0.0025275 , -0.10235476, -0.22609234],
[ 0.03241468, 0.04532274, 0.25367799, 0.29808459],
[ 0.04827892, -0.00105323, 0.13303134, 0.36174298]]),
array([[ 0.00698927, -0.01278935, -0.15144755, -0.18325236],
[-0.01864762, -0.02401465, -0.11700243, -0.1933353 ],
[ 0.05404406, 0.0117775 , 0.18635476, 0.39482368],
[-0.00246517, -0.03900359, -0.13463313, -0.16439811],
[-0.01301026, 0.00205323, -0.01398647, -0.2280565 ]])
I have the following expected values:
EV = [0.289 0.358 0.353]
As an example, for the first row in array 0, I have added the expected value to the sum of row 0 in array 0, and then I can see if the contribution for a given sample adds to 0 or 1.
sv_0_sum = sv_0.iloc[0, :] # -0.28900000000000003
print(sv_0_sum.sum() + explainer.expected_value[0])
Which results in this case in 0. I think this makes sense, but with binary classification, SHAP values will result in a 2 arrays where the values are reflected. To provide an example, given some arbitrary for one sample in some dataset would be:
shap_values[0] = [0.013, 0.423, 0.245, -0.0123]
shap_values[1] = [-0.013, -0.423, -0.245, 0.0123]
but how does this concept work with multi-class? In the three arrays provided for Iris, I don't get this reflection, so how can I understand the SHAP values output for multi-class situations?
Let's try reproducible:
from lightgbm import LGBMClassifier
from shap.datasets import iris
from shap import Explainer, Explanation
from shap import waterfall_plot
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(*iris(), random_state=42)
model = LGBMClassifier().fit(X_train, y_train)
explainer = Explainer(model)
sv = np.array(explainer.shap_values(X_test)) # <-- SHAP values
ev = np.array(explainer.expected_value) # <-- base values
What you get here is base values per class:
array([-3.5596808 , -1.08989253, -3.20879218])
on top of which you'll add shap values. Note the shapes:
ev.shape, sv.shape
((3,), (3, 38, 4))
corresponds to the number of classes38
to the number of cases4
are features, for which you're interested to find SHAP values.Then, you might be interested how to explain a particular prediction:
idx = 0
model.predict(X_test.iloc[[idx]], raw_score=True)
array([[-8.10103813, 1.50946338, -3.6985032 ]])
You'll get the same preds if add SHAP values per the data point of interest to the base values:
ev + sv[:, idx, :].sum(-1)
array([-8.10103813, 1.50946338, -3.6985032 ])
Or visually:
waterfall_plot(Explanation(sv[0][idx], ev[idx], feature_names=X_train.columns))
where 0
stands for the class prediction of interest.
Most probably you'll get slightly different results due to randomness built into LGBM classifier.