So I have this array with different links
const urls = ['', ''... etc]
In the for loop I want to create an object like so, it should basically create a new object for every URL, and then pass the looped URL to the userUrl section
for(let url of urls) {
user: 1,
isVerified: true
userUrl: url
After the loop finishes, this data should be readable in a JSON file it should look something like this
user: 1,
isVerified: true,
user: 2,
isVerified: true,
I tried this code on Chrome and it works correctly plus it correctly format the json data now, instructing JSON.stringify to use 4 spaces indentation.
It won't work in the snippet, but it will if you save it in your own file. I did it inside the chrome developer tools in the Sources tab as a snippet and as soon as executed the download queue was fed with the json file.
I left the live snippet here because there's the chance to see the jsonData on console anyway.
The way to programmatically send a string to a download file was inspired by this question:
How do I save JSON to local text file
function download(content, fileName, contentType) {
var a = document.createElement("a");
var file = new Blob([content], {type: contentType});
a.href = URL.createObjectURL(file); = fileName;;
const urls = ['', ''];
const data = factory(urls);
const jsonData = JSON.stringify(data, null, 4);
download(jsonData, 'json.txt', 'text/plain');
function factory(urls){
const output = [];
for(let url of urls) {
user: 1,
isVerified: true,
userUrl: url
return output;