
Cannot make USSD calls with symbols * # in iOS 15.4

Up until iOS 15.3 users were able to make USSD calls from within my app, considering USSD calls include symbols * and #, but as of 15.4 that seems to no longer be the case.

I haven't come across any other question addressing this issue here on SO, but there is a discussion about it here:

Does anybody know if Apple have removed the ability for users to make USSD calls containing * and #, ie.

URL(string: "tel://*123#")

since that feature have been a bit frowned upon earlier, but has still worked?

"... Specifically, if a URL contains the * or # characters, the Phone app does not attempt to dial the corresponding phone number", Apple docs:

This is a really crucial part of my app. Is there any workaround?


  • I just downloaded iOS 15.5 beta 4 and the issue seems to have been fixed.

    Update from user21 answer here:

    Link to download iOS 15.5 beta 4 here: