Is there a way to create a zoom meeting for a specific max number of participants?
For example,
If a player books a "Small" package, which is up to 6 players, is it possible to create a zoom link for 7 players max (1 host + 6 players)?
If a player books a "Mid" package, which is up to 8 players, is it possible to create a zoom link for 9 players max (1 host + 8 players)?
If a player books a "Large" package, which is up to 10 players, is it possible to create a zoom link for 11 players max (1 host + 10 players)?
If a player books a "XL" package, which is for a custom number of players, is it possible to create a zoom link for that specific amount of players + 1 host?
then how can i limit number of participants who join zoom meeting
Is it can be done using Zoom API
let createZoomMeeting = (req, res, next, meetingoption) => {
return new Promise(async resolve => {
if (meetingoption) {
const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');
const payload = {
exp: ((new Date()).getTime() + 5000)
const token = jwt.sign(payload, ZOOM_API_SECRET);
let optionsForHost = {
conditions: {
user_role_id: FRONT_USER_ROLE_ID,
active: ACTIVE,
is_deleted: NOT_DELETED,
is_verified: VERIFIED,
fields: {
_id: 1, full_name: 1, email: 1,
/**Condition for player Slug*/
optionsForHost.conditions._id = meetingoption.host_id;
/** Get host details **/
let hostResponse = await getUserData(req, res, next, optionsForHost);
/** get global zoom url and set email for particular host **/
const host_email = ? : "";
HOST_ZOOM_URL = HOST_ZOOM_URL.replace("me", host_email);
if (hostResponse.status != STATUS_SUCCESS) return next(hostResponse.message);
if (!hostResponse.result) return resolve({ status: STATUS_ERROR, message: res.__("admin.system.invalid_access") });
const options = {
method: 'POST',
headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json', authorization: `Bearer ${token}` },
body: {
topic: meetingoption.game_type + ' (' + meetingoption.game_name + '-' + meetingoption.game_category_name + ')',
type: 2,
start_time: meetingoption.game_date + 'T' + meetingoption.start_time + ":00:00",
timezone: 'America/New_York',
agenda: meetingoption.game_type + ' (' + meetingoption.game_name + '-' + meetingoption.game_category_name + ')',
settings: {
host_video: true,
participant_video: true,
join_before_host: false,
mute_upon_entry: true,
use_pmi: false,
approval_type: 2,
json: true
request(options, function (error, response, body) {
if (error) throw new Error(error);
return resolve({ status: STATUS_SUCCESS, result: body });
} else {
return resolve({ status: STATUS_ERROR, result: {} });
};// End createZoomMeeting().
You can not do this by zoom/SDK zoom SDK does not provide such type of parameter in its documentation
Reference Link: Create Zoom meeting Docs Link