
Saving a file locally instead of on the server

I have a php script which opens a csv file, edits it, then saves it using 'file_put_contents'. The saved location is the same server directory which contains the script.


However, I want the user to have control over where the file is saved on their computer (ie. locally.) Preferably, using a dialogue pop-up on their browser.

How would this be achieved? Do I need to add header information to the php script? Thanks in advance.


  • // ajax get data from server ( you can push file to server for editting it and return)
    // data return of php : return stream_get_contents($file);
        type: "post",
        url: url,
        data: {...},
        success: function (data) {
            let blob = new Blob([data], { type: 'application/csv;charset=utf-8;' });
    async function handleSaveCsv(blob){
        if( window.showSaveFilePicker ) {
            const handle = await showSaveFilePicker({
                suggestedName: 'csvExportName.csv',
                types: [{
                    description: 'csv file',
                    accept: {'application/csv': ['.csv']},
            const writable = await handle.createWritable();
            await writable.write( blob );
        else {
            const saveCsv = document.createElement( "a" );
            saveCsv.href = URL.createObjectURL( blob );
            setTimeout(() => URL.revokeObjectURL( saveCsv.href ), 6000 );

    window.showSaveFilePicker for opening popup window