
Angular function shows updated value first time only


 <input type="file" [(ngModel)]="profile.myFile1" (change)="handleFileInfo($, 'myFile1')">    
 <div *ngIf="filesExists('myFile1')">
      <span>Size: {{getFileSize('myFile1')}}</span>                  

 <input type="file" [(ngModel)]="profile.myFile2" (change)="handleFileInfo($, 'myFile2')">
 <div *ngIf="filesExists('myFile2')">
      <span class="photo-size">Size: {{getFileSize('myFile2')}}</span>                  

ts file code

    handleFileInfo(files: FileList, fileTypeName: string) { 
       // Other code ....
      let fileObj: FileObj = { type: fileTypeName, file: files.item(0), fileSizeText: fileSizeText, isValid: validSizeFlag };
      this.commonService.addOrReplaceFiles(this.files, fileObj); //Add or update the object array with the file fileObj

    getFileSize(fileTypeName: string) {
      let fileObj = this.files.find(o => o.type === fileTypeName); //this.files : Object array
      return fileObj.fileSizeText;

I have multiple file upload fields. If I upload a file it shows the file size. If I reupload the file again it shows the new file preview. But the getFileSize() function value never gets updated, it shows first uploaded file size.


  • getFileSize only gets called the first time the HTML is rendered. It has no way to know if your myFile1 has changed. I suggest having a myFile1Size variable that gets updated in your TS code whenever you upload a new file to hold the information about the size and bind that into the HTML as {{myFile1Size}}.