This question is related to programming environment setup for python.
I have run out of space on my home folder on Ubuntu. Python shims are stored in their default location ~/.pyenv
and taking up a lot of space. To create space, I want to move the whole of .pyenv
folder to another partition.
In my understanding, this should be as simple as cut-pasting the `.pyenv' folder to its desired location and creating a soft link at its original location, pointing to this new location. Something like:
ln -s ~/drive2/.pyenv ~/.pyenv
( Where the other disc is mounted at ~/drive2/
However, the solutions I see online are much more 'involved'. Here's one example
Am I missing something? Only possible issue I can think of is having too many levels of symlink .
To answer my own question , this worked well, exactly as expected.
The pyenv root directory (/home/usename/.pyenv
) contained a lot of symlinks but all the relative links pointed to sub-folders inside the .pyenv directory itself. Given this, moving the whole folder to another drive did not cause any problems.
Here's the process I followed-
link to replace the original .pyenv folder and point it to your new location. For example: ln -s /path_to_drive2/.pyenv ~/.pyenv
I am quite sure the same system will work on Windows with the mkLink
command with the \D
switch, but someone will have to confirm this.