I have an array of 100 float values in the range [0, 1]. (min and max values are not necessarily 0 and 1)
I want to map them to a hue in the "icefire" color palette, in a swarmplot. In other words I want the data points, the dots, to have a hue based on the 100-val-array.
Now, I do not want the lowest value to map to the "lowest" color in the palette; I want the lowest value to map to the "corresponding" color in the palette.
Let's imagine the color palette just goes from [0, 1] as well, so in the case of "icefire", 0 is light blue and 1 is light red (icefire goes from light blue, to black in the middle, to light red).
With that in mind, if the minimum value in the 100-val-array is 0.27, then I want that value to map to the color 0.27, i.e., in the case of icefire, somewhere in the blues.
I hope I am making myself clear.
I have no idea how the "palette" parameter in swarmplot works, but it is not doing what I want.
The reason I need this is because the color of the data point is important, as it reflects the actual value in the 100-val-array.
I believe by just using swarmplot(..., palette="icefire"), that is not what happens.
Unlike a scatter plot, Seaborn's swarmplot
(currently?) doesn't use a vmin=
and vmax=
parameter. The swarmplot
considers the hue mapping as categorical. You can simulate working with a colormap by creating a palette
as a dictionary that maps every possible hue
value to its corresponding color.
Here is how your example could look like:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.cm import ScalarMappable
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame({'x': ['swarm 1'] * 100,
'y': np.random.normal(size=100),
'hue': np.random.uniform(0.27, 0.9, 100)})
cmap = sns.color_palette('icefire', as_cmap=True)
norm = plt.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=1) # 0 and 1 are the defaults, but you can adapt these to fit other uses
palette = {h: cmap(norm(h)) for h in df['hue']}
ax = sns.swarmplot(data=df, x='x', y='y', hue='hue', palette=palette)
ax.legend_.remove() # remove the categorical legend
plt.colorbar(ScalarMappable(cmap=cmap, norm=norm), ax=ax) # optionally add a colorbar