
How to merge multiple Maps having the same keys but different values into a single Map

I have n maps of the kind:

HashMap<String,Double> map1;
HashMap<String,Double> map2; ...

What could I do to merge all these maps into a single map?

And I want to achieve this without losing the data.


map1 has entries: {<X1, Y1>, <X2,Y2>, <X3,Y3>} 
map2 has entries: {<X1, Y6>, <X2, Y7>, <X3,Y8>}
mergedMap: {<X1, Y1+Y6>, <X2,Y2+Y7>, <X3, Y3+Y8>}

I have tried this:

ArrayList<HashMap<String, Double>> listHashMap = new ArrayList<>();
HashMap<String,Double> mergedMap = new HashMap<>();
for(HashMap<String,Double> map: listHashMap) {  

But I've understood that the values mapped to the same key would be replaced (put), not added.

What could I do to add up each value mapped to the same key?


  • You can utilize Java 8 method merge() to combine the data of each entry:

    List<Map<String, Double>> list = // initializing source list
    Map<String, Double> mergedMap = new HashMap<>();
    list.forEach(map -> map.forEach((k, v) -> mergedMap.merge(k, v, Double::sum)));

    See that code run live at

    Or you can make use of Stream API with combination of built-in collectors groupingBy() and summingDouble():

    Map<String, Double> mergedMap =
                .flatMap(map -> map.entrySet().stream())
                    Map.Entry::getKey, Collectors.summingDouble(Map.Entry::getValue)

    Take a look at these tutorials provided by Oracle for more information on lambda expressions and streams.