
Golang: How to color fmt.Fprintf output?

I know I can add colors to fmt.Println output with something like:

package main

import (

func main() {
    colorReset := "\033[0m"
    colorRed := "\033[31m"
    fmt.Println(string(colorRed), "test", string(colorReset))

Is there any way to colorize the output of fmt.Fprintf?


  • In the same way you used the Println you can use colors with Fprintf, ex

    const colorRed = "\033[0;31m"
    const colorNone = "\033[0m"
    func main() {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Red: \033[0;31m %s None: \033[0m %s", "red string", "colorless string")
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Red: %s %s None: %s %s", colorRed, "red string", colorNone, "colorless string")