
NetSuite SOAP API: Populate PurchaseOrderList on VendorBill record retrieval

When using the NetSuite SOAP API I would like to retrieve the purchaseOrderList for a VendorBill record. The purchaseOrderList field is shown as a RecordRefList on this docs page, however that field doesn't populate on responses when performing a get to retrieve a vendorBill based on the internalId.

I've tried setting the bodyFieldsOnly header to false, hoping this would cause it to return all related fields, however this doesn't change the response.

Does anyone know how to force a RecordRefList field type to populate?


  • After searching through the docs online it seems that the purchaseOrderList property on the Vendor Bill is only used when updating the bill to associate it with Purchase Orders, it doesn't look like the property can be returned when retrieving Vendor Bill records. See this docs page under the 'Linking Purchase Orders to a Vendor Bill' section.

    In order to retrieve the PO numbers associated with a Vendor Bills items and expenses I am retrieving them from the itemList and expenseList properties which are present on the Vendor Bill. If anyone knows of another way please feel free to comment or edit.