
LZMA Returns Input Format not supported

It seems that when I try to decode some bytes that where decoded from base 64 it gives an Input Format not Supported. I cannot isolate the issue, as when I bring the decoded logic alone into a new file, the error will not happen, making me think that this is something to do with the way flask passes arguments to the functions.


from flask import Flask
import base64
import lzma
from urllib.parse import quote, unquote
app = Flask('app')

def hello_world():
  return 'Hello, World!<br><button onclick = "var base = \'\';location.href = `${base}/${prompt(\'What do you want to send?\')}`" >Use</button>'

newline = '/n'

def viewer(b64):
    s1 = base64.b64decode(b64.encode() + b'==')
    s2 = lzma.decompress(s1).decode()
    s3 = unquote(s2).replace(newline, '<br>')
    return f'<div style="overflow-x: auto;">{s3}</div>'

def encode(txt):
    quote_text = quote(txt, safe = "")
    compressed_text = lzma.compress(quote_text.encode())
    base_64_txt = base64.b64encode(compressed_text).decode()
    return f'<a href = "{base_64_txt}">text link </a>''', port=8080, debug=True)

Can someone explain what I am doing wrong?


  • You are passing a base64-encoded string as a part of the URL, and that string may contain characters that gets mangled in the process.

    For example, visiting /encode/hello will give the following URL:

    Several characters could go wrong:

    To avoid these issues, I would suggest using base64.urlsafe_b64encode / base64.urlsafe_b64decode which are versions of the base64 encoding where the output can be used in URLs without being mangled.

    The following changes on your code seems to do the trick:

    1. s1 = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(b64.encode()) in viewer
    2. base_64_txt = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(compressed_text).decode() in encode