
Is there a way to preserve ANSI control codes in PowerShell command output?

In PowerShell, is there a way to preserve the ANSI control codes used to convey color information to the console when assigning a program's output to a variable?

For instance, I use Test Kitchen which provides colored output unique to each suite of tests to run. When I run kitchen create INSTANCE, I get output in several colors. However, if I assign the output to a variable, or pipe it to another cmdlet such as Tee-Object, that color information is lost. It seems that PowerShell strips this information out when the result is sent down the pipeline or assigned to a variable:

kitchen create INSTANCE           # Colored output

$output = kitchen create INSTANCE
Write-Host $output                # Color information is lost

Curiously though, I can implement control codes in my own strings and PowerShell is able to honor them when Virtual Terminal is enabled. These survive variable assignment, unlike command output:

$output = "`u{001b}[31mHello"
Write-Host $output                # Results in colored output

So it seems that the color information is being stripped out only from a program's output, and only if the value is assigned or sent down the pipeline. Is there a way to preserve these control codes from external commands?


  • To add to your own answer:


    ($out = script -qc 'ls --color=auto' /dev/null)
    ($out = script -q /dev/null ls --color=auto)