I am currently working on an app that needs to know whether or not the user is currently still or not. I have followed the codelab tutorial from Android (as well as other tutorials): https://developer.android.com/codelabs/activity-recognition-transition#0
I have added the permissions required in the manifest file (and accepted them. The settings show that my app is allowed to use activity): manifest file
I have created a class that inherits from BroadcastReceiver and implemented a rudimentary version of onReceive to see if it works:
class ActivityController : BroadcastReceiver() {
val transitions = mutableListOf<ActivityTransition>()
companion object {
init {
transitions +=
transitions +=
transitions +=
transitions +=
transitions +=
transitions +=
transitions +=
transitions +=
override fun onReceive(p0: Context?, p1: Intent?) {
Log.d("proj", "please work")
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.instance()!!, "please work", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()
In my MainActivity.kt's onStart method I have the following code, creating an instance of the ActivityController, registering it as a receiver and requesting activity transition updates:
override fun onStart() {
activityController = ActivityController()
registerReceiver(activityController, IntentFilter(TRANSITIONS_RECEIVER_ACTION))
val request = ActivityTransitionRequest(activityController.transitions)
.requestActivityTransitionUpdates(request, getPendingIntent())
.addOnSuccessListener { Log.d("proj", "Request success") }
.addOnFailureListener { Log.d("proj", "Request failure") }
private fun getPendingIntent(): PendingIntent {
val intent = Intent(TRANSITIONS_RECEIVER_ACTION, null, this, ActivityController::class.java)
return PendingIntent.getBroadcast(this, 0, intent, 0)
I can see that the request is successful: successful request but the onReceive function is never called.
This has been driving me nuts the entire day, so any help would be appreciated :-)
Okay, so I played around with it some more and got it working somewhat (the p1: Intent? parameter always returns null for some reason, but now onReceive is actually called). I found out that the change in activity is too slow for my purpose (30-60 second range), but here is what I did to come to this point, if anyone sees this post:
I followed Foodie Dev's tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Em5ep_KYIY&ab_channel=FoodieDev
I realised that I didn't include a 'receiver' clause inside of my 'activity' clause in the Manifest file: receiver in manifest
I think that's all in all what I did besides removing the registerReceiver(...) in onCreate of MainActivity.jt, and changing the structure of my code a little (like accessing the client in the onCreate method of MainActivity.kt instead of onStart)
Hope this helps if anyone finds themselves in the same situation.