I need to run multiple queries from a single .SQL file but with different params I've tried something like this but it does not work as BigQueryIO.Read consumes only PBegin.
public PCollection<KV<String, TestDitoDto>> expand(PCollection<QueryParamsBatch> input) {
PCollection<KV<String, Section1Dto>> section1 = input.apply("Read Section1 from BQ",
.apply("Convert section1 to Dto", ParDo.of(new TableRowToSection1DtoFunction()));
Are there any other ways to put params from existing PCollection inside my BigQueryIO.read() invocation?
I've come up with the following solution: not to use BigQueryIO but regular GCP library for accessing BigQuery, marking it as transient and initializing it each time in method with @Setup annotation, as it is not Serializable
public class DenormalizedCase1Fn extends DoFn<*> {
private transient BigQuery bigQuery;
public void initialize() {
this.bigQuery = BigQueryOptions.newBuilder()