
Finding a set of edges to add to a set of graphs to satisfy connectivity constraints

I have a set of N undirected, disconnected graphs that share the same M vertices, but have different edges. I also have a set of constraints for each graph of the form "V0 is connected to V1" or "V3 is not connected to V5" etc.

I want to find a set of edges such that adding those edges to every graph causes every graph to satisfy its constraints.

For a simple example, consider, for two given graphs with vertices V0, V1, V2, V3, V4:

With these given parameters, the problem is satisfiable by adding the edges {(V1, V2), (V3, V4)} to both of the graphs.

After failing to solve the problem with a script, I reached for z3 to help, but I've run into trouble trying to express connectivity. My current solution consists of an unquantified formula with only boolean terms:

and assertions:

The last clause, however, does not seem to work as intended for expressing connectivity and z3 is returning sat but the clearly necessary si,j are false in the resulting model.

Here's the shortest I could manage to make a minimal example of the problem:

from itertools import combinations

from z3 import *

vertices = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
edges = [tuple(sorted(edge)) for edge in list(combinations(vertices, 2))]

graphs = {
    "G": [(0, 1)],
    "H": [(1, 3)],

facts = Solver()

connected_in_graph = {}
for graph in graphs:
    for edge in edges:
        connected_in_graph[(graph, edge)] = Bool(f"{edge}_conn_in_{graph}")

solution_edges = {}
graph_given_edges = {}
for edge in edges:
    edge_in_solution = Bool(f"{edge}_in_solution")
    solution_edges[edge] = edge_in_solution
    for graph in graphs:
        given = Bool(f"{graph}_{edge}_given")
        graph_given_edges[(graph, edge)] = given
        if edge in graphs[graph]:

    connected_in_graph[("G", (0, 2))],
    connected_in_graph[("H", (2, 4))],
    Not(connected_in_graph[("H", (0, 2))]),

for edge in edges:
    for graph in graphs:
        ors = [
            graph_given_edges[(graph, edge)],
        for vertex in vertices:
            if vertex in edge:
            l_edge = tuple(sorted((edge[0], vertex)))
            r_edge = tuple(sorted((edge[1], vertex)))
                        graph_given_edges[(graph, l_edge)],
                    connected_in_graph[(graph, r_edge)],
        facts.append(connected_in_graph[(graph, edge)] == Or(*ors))

model = facts.model()
for edge in edges:
    c = solution_edges[edge]
    if model[c]:

I suppose what I'd actually need to express, rather than that last constraint, is relations:

c2(i, j, k, through) = si,j ∨ gi,j,k ∨ (∃z. z ∉ (ignored ∪ {i, j}) ∧ (si,z ∨ gi,z,k) ∧ c(z, j, k, ignored ∪ {i}))

c(i, j, k) = c2(i, j, k, {})

However, reducing that to just unquantified boolean terms would obviously take somewhere on the order of M! time and space.

Is there a better way of expressing the existence of a path in a graph in SAT/SMT, or perhaps a better way of solving this problem altogether?

Alias's suggestion to use transitive closure seems to be the solution to this, but I seem to have trouble using it properly. My revised code:

from itertools import combinations

from z3 import *

vertices = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
edges = [tuple(sorted(edge)) for edge in list(combinations(vertices, 2))]

graphs = {
    "G": [(0, 1)],
    "H": [(1, 3)],

facts = Solver()

vs = {}
VertexSort = DeclareSort("VertexSort")
for vertex in vertices:
    vs[vertex] = Const(f"V{vertex}", VertexSort)

given = {}
directly_connected = {}
tc_connected = {}
for graph in graphs:
    given[graph] = Function(
        f"{graph}_given", VertexSort, VertexSort, BoolSort()
    directly_connected[graph] = Function(
        f"directly_connected_{graph}", VertexSort, VertexSort, BoolSort()
    tc_connected[graph] = TransitiveClosure(directly_connected[graph])

in_solution = Function("in_solution", VertexSort, VertexSort, BoolSort())

for edge in edges:
    # commutativity
        in_solution(vs[edge[0]], vs[edge[1]])
        == in_solution(vs[edge[1]], vs[edge[0]])
    for graph in graphs:
        # commutativity
            given[graph](vs[edge[0]], vs[edge[1]])
            == given[graph](vs[edge[1]], vs[edge[0]])
            directly_connected[graph](vs[edge[0]], vs[edge[1]])
            == directly_connected[graph](vs[edge[1]], vs[edge[0]])
        # definition of direct connection
            directly_connected[graph](vs[edge[0]], vs[edge[1]])
            == Or(
                in_solution(vs[edge[0]], vs[edge[1]]),
                given[graph](vs[edge[0]], vs[edge[1]]),
        if edge in graphs[graph]:
            facts.add(given[graph](vs[edge[0]], vs[edge[1]]))
            facts.add(Not(given[graph](vs[edge[0]], vs[edge[1]])))

    tc_connected["G"](vs[0], vs[2]),
    tc_connected["H"](vs[2], vs[4]),
    Not(tc_connected["H"](vs[0], vs[2])),

model = facts.model()
print(f"solution: {model[in_solution]}")

Prints sat but finds the definition in_solution = [else -> False] rather than the solution I'm looking for. What am I doing wrong?


  • As suggested by @alias in this comment, solving the problem was made possible by using transitive closures.


    I got the solver to return a correct solution for all of my test cases.

    The revised code:

    from itertools import combinations
    from z3 import *
    vertices = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
    edges = [tuple(sorted(edge)) for edge in list(combinations(vertices, 2))]
    graphs = {
        "G": [(0, 1)],
        "H": [(1, 3)],
    facts = Solver()
    VertexSort = Datatype("VertexSort")
    for vertex in vertices:
    VertexSort = VertexSort.create()
    vs = {}
    for vertex in vertices:
        vs[vertex] = getattr(VertexSort, str(vertex))
    given = {}
    directly_connected = {}
    tc_connected = {}
    for graph in graphs:
        given[graph] = Function(
            f"{graph}_given", VertexSort, VertexSort, BoolSort()
        directly_connected[graph] = Function(
            f"directly_connected_{graph}", VertexSort, VertexSort, BoolSort()
        tc_connected[graph] = TransitiveClosure(directly_connected[graph])
    in_solution = Function("in_solution", VertexSort, VertexSort, BoolSort())
    for edge in edges:
        # commutativity
            in_solution(vs[edge[0]], vs[edge[1]])
            == in_solution(vs[edge[1]], vs[edge[0]])
        for graph in graphs:
            # commutativity
                given[graph](vs[edge[0]], vs[edge[1]])
                == given[graph](vs[edge[1]], vs[edge[0]])
                directly_connected[graph](vs[edge[0]], vs[edge[1]])
                == directly_connected[graph](vs[edge[1]], vs[edge[0]])
            # definition of direct connection
                directly_connected[graph](vs[edge[0]], vs[edge[1]])
                == Or(
                    in_solution(vs[edge[0]], vs[edge[1]]),
                    given[graph](vs[edge[0]], vs[edge[1]]),
            if edge in graphs[graph]:
                facts.add(given[graph](vs[edge[0]], vs[edge[1]]))
                facts.add(Not(given[graph](vs[edge[0]], vs[edge[1]])))
        tc_connected["G"](vs[0], vs[2]),
        tc_connected["H"](vs[2], vs[4]),
        Not(tc_connected["H"](vs[0], vs[2])),
    model = facts.model()
    print(f"solution: {model[in_solution]}")