
Django subdomain rewrite using uwsgi on Google Cloud Run

I am moving a Django site to GCP and using Google Cloud Run for the first time. The experience is great. I was also very pleased with the domain mapping feature, but I am having trouble with forwarding the www subdomain to the naked domain URL. For consistent page analytics, I would like visitors who browse to to be 301 redirected to (real domain redacted)

DNS setup

I added the naked and www subdomain to Cloud Run custom domains:


And added the required A, AAA and CNAME records at my registrar:


After everything propagated I can visit my site at and, but how can I configure the forwarding/rewriting?

From other posts I have read where people achieved this with Google Cloud DNS, it looks like they used an alias to do the forwarding.

In this case, I am trying to do the forwarding via uwsgi:

Webserver setup

The django app is served via uwsgi with this configuration - notice the redirect rule:

plugins-dir = /usr/lib/uwsgi/plugins
plugins = router_uwsgi
route-uri = ^(.*)\/\/www\.(.*)$ redirect-301:$1//$2
hook-master-start = unix_signal:15 gracefully_kill_them_all
http-socket =
cheaper = 1
cheaper-algo = backlog
workers = 3
master = true
enable-threads = true
threads = 12
offload-threads = 12
harakiri = 300
http-harakiri = 300
logformat = %(var.HTTP_X_REAL_IP) - %(user) [%(ltime)] "%(method) %(uri) %(proto)" %(status) %(size) "%(referer)" "%(uagent)\" %(msecs)ms
static-map = /=webroot
static-gzip-all = true
module = app.wsgi

The actual redirect works fine on other parts of the url, for example, if I include the following redirect test rule:

route-uri = ^(.*)est(.*)$ redirect-301:$1ust$2

browsing to correctly redirects to

So at this point I'm not sure if there is a GCP limitation on redirecting parts of a verified domain or my regex is wrong.


  • Thanks for all the advice! Here is what I learned:

    1. DNS records can not be used for redirecting especially if the CNAME of a subdomain is used by GCP
    2. Google Cloud Run does not limit URL redirecting in any way
    3. uWSGI has powerful features, but they are hard to discover
    4. The following redirect rule worked for me:
    plugins-dir = /usr/lib/uwsgi/plugins
    plugins = router_uwsgi
    route-host = ^$ redirect-permanent:${REQUEST_URI}

    And I needed to install the following in my base image to get the internal rewriting and plugins to be available:

    FROM $PYTHON_IMAGE as base 
    RUN apt-get update \
        && \
        apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \
        libpcre3-dev zlib1g-dev \
        uwsgi-core \
        && \
        apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*