
Error in Gathering Statistics on the network traffic

I'm creating a function to calculate packet capture delay using Python and pcap, but this error happens. I'm taking this function from a C example as I'm new to Python. This is the error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 266, in processing_pkts
    Bps = ((pkt + 8) * 8 * 1000000) / (delay) TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'LP_c_ubyte' and 'int'
  Exception ignored on calling ctypes callback function: <function processing_pkts at 0x7fbed299df70>

This link Gathering Statistics on the network traffic contain the C code example.

This is C example:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#include <pcap.h>

#include <tchar.h>
BOOL LoadNpcapDlls()
  _TCHAR npcap_dir[512];
  UINT len;
  len = GetSystemDirectory(npcap_dir, 480);
  if (!len) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error in GetSystemDirectory: %x", GetLastError());
    return FALSE;
  _tcscat_s(npcap_dir, 512, _T("\\Npcap"));
  if (SetDllDirectory(npcap_dir) == 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error in SetDllDirectory: %x", GetLastError());
    return FALSE;
  return TRUE;

void usage();

void dispatcher_handler(u_char *, const struct pcap_pkthdr *, const u_char *);

void main(int argc, char **argv)
  pcap_t *fp;
  char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE];
  struct timeval st_ts;
  u_int netmask;
  struct bpf_program fcode;
  /* Load Npcap and its functions. */
  if (!LoadNpcapDlls())
    fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't load Npcap\n");

  /* Check the validity of the command line */
  if (argc != 2)
  /* Open the output adapter */
  if ( (fp= pcap_open(argv[1], 100, PCAP_OPENFLAG_PROMISCUOUS,
                      1000, NULL, errbuf) ) == NULL)
    fprintf(stderr,"\nUnable to open adapter %s.\n", errbuf);

  /* Don't care about netmask, it won't be used for this filter */

  //compile the filter
  if (pcap_compile(fp, &fcode, "tcp", 1, netmask) <0 )
    fprintf(stderr,"\nUnable to compile the packet filter. Check the syntax.\n");
    /* Free the device list */
  //set the filter
  if (pcap_setfilter(fp, &fcode)<0)
    fprintf(stderr,"\nError setting the filter.\n");
    /* Free the device list */

  /* Put the interface in statstics mode */
  if (pcap_setmode(fp, MODE_STAT)<0)
    fprintf(stderr,"\nError setting the mode.\n");
    /* Free the device list */

  printf("TCP traffic summary:\n");

  /* Start the main loop */
  pcap_loop(fp, 0, dispatcher_handler, (PUCHAR)&st_ts);


void dispatcher_handler(u_char *state,
  const struct pcap_pkthdr *header,
  const u_char *pkt_data)
  struct timeval *old_ts = (struct timeval *)state;
  u_int delay;
  struct tm ltime;
  char timestr[16];
  time_t local_tv_sec;

  /* Calculate the delay in microseconds from the last sample. This value
   * is obtained from the timestamp that the associated with the sample. */
  delay = (header->ts.tv_sec - old_ts->tv_sec) * 1000000
    - old_ts->tv_usec + header->ts.tv_usec;
  /* Get the number of Bits per second */
  Bps.QuadPart=(((*(LONGLONG*)(pkt_data + 8)) * 8 * 1000000) / (delay));
  /*                                            ^      ^
                                                  |      |
                                                  |      | 
                                                  |      |
                         converts bytes in bits --       |
                    delay is expressed in microseconds --

  /* Get the number of Packets per second */
  Pps.QuadPart=(((*(LONGLONG*)(pkt_data)) * 1000000) / (delay));

  /* Convert the timestamp to readable format */
  local_tv_sec = header->ts.tv_sec;
  localtime_s(&ltime, &local_tv_sec);
  strftime( timestr, sizeof timestr, "%H:%M:%S", &ltime);

  /* Print timestamp*/
  printf("%s ", timestr);

  /* Print the samples */
  printf("BPS=%I64u ", Bps.QuadPart);
  printf("PPS=%I64u\n", Pps.QuadPart);

  //store current timestamp

void usage()
  printf("\nShows the TCP traffic load, in bits per second and packets per second."
         "\nCopyright (C) 2002 Loris Degioanni.\n");
  printf("\t tcptop adapter\n");
  printf("\t You can use \"WinDump -D\" if you don't know the name of your adapters.\n");


This is my Python function:

import libpcap as pcap
import ctypes as ct
import socket
import getopt
import os
import time

import funcoes_auxiliares

from struct import *
from libpcap._platform import sockaddr, sockaddr_in, sockaddr_in6
from pcaptestutils import *

pd = ct.POINTER(pcap.pcap_t)()

if not is_windows:
    breaksigint = False

    #static void sigint_handler(int signum _U_)
    def sigint_handler(signum):
        global pd
        global breaksigint
        if breaksigint:

def main(argv=sys.argv[1:]):
    global program_name
    program_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])

    global pd
    global breaksigint
    global ip_afinet
    global ip_afinet6
    # Exceção para os parâmetros
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "i:mnt:" if is_windows else "bi:mnrst:")
    except getopt.GetoptError:

    device = None
    timeout = 1000
    nonblock = 0 
    immediate = False
    if not is_windows:
        sigrestart  = False
        catchsigint = False

    for opt, optarg in opts:
        if not is_windows and opt == '-b':
            breaksigint = True
        elif opt == '-i':
            device = optarg.encode("utf-8")
        elif opt == '-m':
            immediate = True
        elif opt == '-n':
            nonblock = 1
        elif not is_windows and opt == '-r':
            sigrestart = True
        elif not is_windows and opt == '-s':
            catchsigint = True
        elif opt == '-t':
                timeout = int(optarg)
                error('Timeout value "{}" is not a number', optarg)
            if timeout < 0:
                error("Timeout value {:d} is negative", timeout)
            if timeout > INT_MAX:
                error("Timeout value {:d} is too large (> {:d})",
                      timeout, INT_MAX)
    expression = args
    errbuf = ct.create_string_buffer(pcap.PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE)

    # ----------------------------------------------------------
    # Lista de dispositivos disponíveis
    if device is None:
        deviceList = ct.POINTER(pcap.pcap_if_t)()
    if pcap.findalldevs(ct.byref(deviceList), errbuf) == -1:
        error("{}", ebuf2str(errbuf))
    if not deviceList:
        error("Não há interfaces disponíveis para captura")
    print('\nAvailable network devices:')
    devices = deviceList
    while devices:
        device = devices.contents
        print("\t[*] {}".format("utf-8")))
        devices =
    device = deviceList[0].name
    ip_tuple = funcoes_auxiliares.getStdIp(deviceList[0])
    (ip_afinet, ip_afinet6) = ip_tuple
    # print(ip_afinet)
    # print(ip_afinet6)
    # ----------------------------------------------------------

    errbuf[0] = b"\0"
    # if not is_windows:
    #     # If we were told to catch SIGINT, do so.
    #     if catchsigint:
    #         action = sigaction()
    #         action.sa_handler = sigint_handler
    #         sigemptyset(ct.byref(action.sa_mask))
    #         # Should SIGINT interrupt, or restart, system calls?
    #         action.sa_flags = SA_RESTART if sigrestart else 0
    #         if sigaction(SIGINT, ct.byref(action), NULL) == -1:
    #             error("Can't catch SIGINT: {}", strerror(errno))

    pd = pcap.create(device, errbuf)
    if not pd:
        error("{}", ebuf2str(errbuf))
    # define o comprimento do instantâneo a ser usado 
    # em um identificador de captura quando o 
    # identificador é ativado para snaplen.
    status = pcap.set_snaplen(pd, 65535)
    if status != 0:
        error("{}: pcap.set_snaplen failed: {}",
              device2str(device), status2str(status));
    if immediate:
            status = pcap.set_immediate_mode(pd, 1)
        except AttributeError:
            error("pcap.set_immediate_mode is not available on this platform")
        if status != 0:
            error("{}: pcap.set_immediate_mode failed: {}",
                  device2str(device), status2str(status))
    status = pcap.set_timeout(pd, timeout)
    if status != 0:
        error("{}: pcap.set_timeout failed: {}",
              device2str(device), status2str(status))
    status = pcap.activate(pd)
    if status < 0:
        # pcap.activate() failed.
        error("{}: {}\n({})",
              device2str(device), status2str(status), geterr2str(pd))
    elif status > 0:
        # pcap.activate() succeeded, but it's warning us
        # of a problem it had.
        warning("{}: {}\n({})",
                device2str(device), status2str(status), geterr2str(pd))
    localnet = pcap.bpf_u_int32()
    netmask  = pcap.bpf_u_int32()
    if pcap.lookupnet(device, ct.byref(localnet), ct.byref(netmask), errbuf) < 0:
        localnet = pcap.bpf_u_int32(0)
        netmask  = pcap.bpf_u_int32(0)
        warning("{}", ebuf2str(errbuf))
    fcode = pcap.bpf_program()
    cmdbuf = " ".join(expression).encode("utf-8")
    if pcap.compile(pd, ct.byref(fcode), cmdbuf, 1, netmask) < 0:
        error("{}", geterr2str(pd))

    if pcap.setfilter(pd, ct.byref(fcode)) < 0:
        error("{}", geterr2str(pd))
    if pcap.setnonblock(pd, nonblock, errbuf) == -1:
        error("pcap.setnonblock failed: {}", ebuf2str(errbuf))
    # -----------------------------------------
    # create a save file for write 
    savefile = 'testsavefile'
    savefile = savefile.encode('utf-8')
    pdd = pcap.dump_open_append(pd, savefile)
    if not pdd:
        error("{}", geterr2str(pd))
    # -----------------------------------------

    print("\nSniffing on device: \n\t*{}*".format(device2str(device)))

    if os.path.exists("qtdPktpTime.txt"):
    cont_i = 0
    while cont_i <= 10:
    # while True:
        packet_count = ct.c_int(0)
        status = pcap.dispatch(pd, -1, processing_pkts,
                 ct.cast(ct.pointer(packet_count), ct.POINTER(ct.c_ubyte)))
        # execute for write in save file
        pcap.dispatch(pd, -1, pcap.dump,
                               ct.cast(pdd, ct.POINTER(ct.c_ubyte)))
        if status < 0:
        if status != 0:
            print("\n{:d} packets seen, {:d} packets counted after "
                  "pcap.dispatch returns".format(status, packet_count.value))
            ps = pcap.stat()
            pcap.stats(pd, ct.byref(ps))
            print("{:d} ps_recv, {:d} ps_drop, {:d} ps_ifdrop".format(
                  ps.ps_recv, ps.ps_drop, ps.ps_ifdrop))
        cont_i += 1
    if status == pcap.PCAP_ERROR_BREAK:
        # We got interrupted, so perhaps we didn't manage to finish a
        # line we were printing. Print an extra newline, just in case.
        print("Broken out of loop from SIGINT handler")
    if status == pcap.PCAP_ERROR:
        # Error.  Report it.
        print("{}: pcap.dispatch: {}".format(program_name, geterr2str(pd)),



    return 1 if status == -1 else 0

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Convert a string of 6 characters of ethernet address into a dash separated hex string
def eth_addr (a) :
    b = "%.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x" % (ord(a[0]) , ord(a[1]) , ord(a[2]), ord(a[3]), ord(a[4]) , ord(a[5]))
    return b

# Função callback usada no processamento dos pacotes
def processing_pkts(arg, hdr, pkt):
    counterp = ct.cast(arg, ct.POINTER(ct.c_int))
    counterp[0] += 1
    old_ts_tv_sec = 0
    old_ts_tv_usec = 0
    pkt_addr        = hdr.contents
    pkt_time_cap    = pkt_addr.ts
    pkt_len         = pkt_addr.len
    pkt_caplen      = pkt_addr.caplen
    eth_length = 14
    eth_header = pkt[:eth_length]
    eth = unpack('!6s6sH' , bytes(eth_header)) 
    eth_protocol = socket.ntohs(eth[2])
    count_pkt = 0
    delay = (pkt_time_cap.tv_sec - old_ts_tv_sec) * 1000000 - old_ts_tv_usec + pkt_time_cap.tv_usec
    Bps = (ct.cast(pkt,ct.POINTER(ct.c_uint64))[1] * 8 * 1000000) / (delay)
    Pps = (ct.cast(pkt,ct.POINTER(ct.c_uint64))[0] * 1000000) / delay
    old_ts_tv_sec = pkt_time_cap.tv_sec
    old_ts_tv_usec = pkt_time_cap.tv_usec
    print('Bps: ' + str(int(Bps)))
    print('Pps: ' + str(int(Pps)))
    time_cap = time.ctime(pkt_time_cap.tv_sec)
    # Parser IP packets
    if eth_protocol == 8:
        ip_header = pkt[eth_length:20+eth_length]
        iph = unpack('!BBHHHBBH4s4s' , bytes(ip_header))
        version_ihl = iph[0]
        version = version_ihl >> 4
        ihl = version_ihl & 0xF

        iph_length = ihl * 4

        ttl = iph[5]
        protocol = iph[6]
        s_addr = socket.inet_ntoa(iph[8]);
        d_addr = socket.inet_ntoa(iph[9]);
        # print('Version: ' + str(version) + '| IP Header Length: ' + str(ihl) + ' | ' + 'TTL: ' + str(ttl) + ' | ' + 'Protocol: ' + str(protocol) + ' | ' +'Source Address: ' + str(s_addr) + ' | ' +'Destination Address: ' + str(d_addr) + ' | ' + 'length: ' + str(pkt_len) + ' | ' + 'cap length: ' + str(pkt_caplen) + ' | ' + 'Cap time: ' + str(pkt_time_cap))
        print('\nVersion: ' + str(version) + '| IP Header Length: ' + str(ihl) + ' | ' + 'TTL: ' + str(ttl) + ' | ' + 'Protocol: ' + str(protocol) + ' | ' +'Source Address: ' + str(s_addr) + ' | ' +'Destination Address: ' + str(d_addr) + ' | ' + 'length: ' + str(pkt_len))
        count_pkt = 0
        if s_addr == ip_afinet:
            # print('confirma ip')
            count_pkt += 1
            arq_qtdPktpTime = open("qtdPktpTime.txt", "a")
            arq_qtdPktpTime.write(time_cap + ',' + str(counterp[0]) + '\n')
            # funcoes_auxiliares.plotGraf1()
        # TCP protocol
        if protocol == 6:
            t = iph_length + eth_length
            tcp_header = pkt[t:t+20]
            tcph = unpack('!HHLLBBHHH' , bytes(tcp_header))          
            source_port = tcph[0]
            dest_port = tcph[1]
            sequence = tcph[2]
            acknowledgement = tcph[3]
            doff_reserved = tcph[4]
            tcph_length = doff_reserved >> 4
            print('Source Port: ' + str(source_port) + ' >> Dest Port: ' + str(dest_port) + ' >> Sequence Number: ' + str(sequence) + ' >> Acknowledgement: ' + str(acknowledgement) + ' >> TCP header length: ' + str(tcph_length))
            h_size = eth_length + iph_length + tcph_length * 4
            # data_size = len(pkt) - h_size
            # data_size = pkt_len - h_size
            #get data from the packet
            data = pkt[h_size:pkt_len]
            # print('Data : ' + str(data))
        # UDP procotol
        elif protocol == 17:
            u = iph_length + eth_length
            udph_length = 8
            udp_header = pkt[u:u+8]
            udph = unpack('!HHHH' , bytes(udp_header))
            source_port = udph[0]
            dest_port = udph[1]
            length = udph[2]
            checksum = udph[3]
            # print('Source Port: ' + str(source_port) + ' >> Dest Port: ' + str(dest_port) + '>> Length: ' + str(length) + ' >> Checksum: ' + str(checksum))
            print('Source Port: ' + str(source_port) + ' >> Dest Port: ' + str(dest_port) + ' >> Checksum: ' + str(checksum))
            h_size = eth_length + iph_length + udph_length
            # data = pkt[h_size:pkt_len]
            # print(data)
    # pcap.dump      

# função para captura e uso de parametros no execução do código no terminal
def usage():
    print("Usage: {} [ {} ] [ -i interface ] [ -t timeout] "
          "[ expression ]".format(program_name,
          "-mn" if is_windows else "-bmnrs"), file=sys.stderr)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

if __name__.rpartition(".")[-1] == "__main__":

Can help me to solve this ?? I appreciate any tips


  • The C code the OP is porting and generating an error in Python is:

      /* Calculate the delay in microseconds from the last sample. This value
       * is obtained from the timestamp that the associated with the sample. */
      delay = (header->ts.tv_sec - old_ts->tv_sec) * 1000000
        - old_ts->tv_usec + header->ts.tv_usec;
      /* Get the number of Bits per second */
      Bps.QuadPart=(((*(LONGLONG*)(pkt_data + 8)) * 8 * 1000000) / (delay));
      /*                                            ^      ^
                                                      |      |
                                                      |      | 
                                                      |      |
                             converts bytes in bits --       |
                        delay is expressed in microseconds --
      /* Get the number of Packets per second */
      Pps.QuadPart=(((*(LONGLONG*)(pkt_data)) * 1000000) / (delay));

    The Python code is missing the casting and dereferencing of the pkt_data + 8 byte pointer calculation. Since *(LONGLONG*)(pkt_data + 8) == ((LONGLONG*)(pkt_data))[1], the Python code implements cast and dereference of the latter version:

       delay = (pkt_time_cap.tv_sec - old_ts_tv_sec) * 1000000 - old_ts_tv_usec + pkt_time_cap.tv_usec
       Bps = ct.cast(pkt,ct.POINTER(ct.c_uint64))[1] * 8 * 1000000 / delay
       Pps = ct.cast(pkt,ct.POINTER(ct.c_uint64))[0] * 1000000 / delay

    Since there isn't a functional example I'll demonstrate by creating a byte pointer to two 64-bit values to test the code is correct. The original code was adding 8 to a byte pointer, casting to a 64-bit pointer and dereferencing it. That's the same thing as casting directly to a 64-bit pointer and indexing the 2nd value, e.g. *(LONGLONG*)(pkt_data + 8) == ((LONGLONG*)(pkt_data))[1]:

    >>> import ctypes as ct
    >>> data = (ct.c_uint64 * 2)(100,200)
    >>> pkt = ct.cast(ct.byref(data), ct.POINTER(ct.c_ubyte))
    >>> pkt
    <__main__.LP_c_ubyte object at 0x000002D38C9BA5C0>
    >>> pkt + 8
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<interactive input>", line 1, in <module>
    TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'LP_c_ubyte' and 'int'

    Above demonstrates the same error as the OP due to pkt being a byte pointer. Below casts the pointer back to a 64-bit pointer and accesses the 2nd value:

    >>> ct.cast(pkt,ct.POINTER(ct.c_uint64))[1]