
Routing problem after upgrading from LTS 8 to LTS 9 (RealURL -> Core routing)

After migrating our site from version 8 LTS to version 9 LTS, I have some configuration problems with the routing.

With RealURL we use the fixedPostVars, 'noMatch' => 'bypass'.

For example with this URL


We would like to have


For now I can get


I tried several configurations without success.

So how can I do to hide the controller, the action and the cHash.

Also, how to handle accented characters in URL.

This is my configuration for routeEnhancers

    type: Plugin
      - 2706
      - 2707
    routePath: '/{name}/{uid}'
    namespace: 'tx_extension'
      name: 'fullName'
      uid: 'id'


  • fullName has a too huge value space to be there without requirements/aspects. That will produce ?cHash.

    In your case (string), you can use the PersistedAliasMapper or write a custom aspect.

    uid will need requirements. (If you want to use it. You could get rid of it with PersistedAliasMapper)