
How do I change a value within a variable based on the value of another variable in R?

I am trying to recode demographic variables. If the variable Q36 equals Other and the variable Q35 equals Yes, I want Other (from Q36) to be changed to Hispanic. If the variable Q36 equals Other and the variable Q35 equals No, I want Other (from Q36) to be changed to Unspecified.

Here's my code so far.

data %>% 
  mutate(Q36 = case_when(Q35 == "Yes" & Q36 == "Other" ~ Q36 == "Hispanic", 
Q35 == "No" & Q36 == "Other" ~ Q36 == "Unspecified")) -> data


  • You are close:

    data %>% 
      mutate(Q36 = case_when(Q35 == "Yes" & Q36 == "Other" ~ "Hispanic", 
                     Q35 == "No" & Q36 == "Other" ~ "Unspecified",