Does Sitecore 9.3 Helix support ASCX user control referred in sub layout, if so, could you please share any reference?
Yes, it does support. In fact, this will work regardless of whether you follow Helix principles or not.
I guess that you want to mix renderings with sub layouts on a Sitecore MVC layout.
If your ASCX sub layout does not contain any postback logic and/or does not have another sub layout inside it then the easiest way will be to declare it in a View Razor file as follows:
Alternatively, you can generate the inner sub layout at a code level and add it to a placeholder to get it rendered correctly, for example:
Sublayout yourSublayout = new Sublayout
Path = "~/Layouts/Sublayouts/YourSubLayout.ascx",
DataSource = yourItem,
Cacheable = true,
VaryByData = true,
VaryByParm = true