I'm trying the get data from Firestore but I have a issues on Map<String, dynamics>. Any idea how to fix this issues?
final QuerySnapshot result = await firestore.collection('markers').get();
final List<DocumentSnapshot> documents = result.docs;
int count = 0;
documents.forEach((data) {
Map<String, dynamic> datos = data.data;
GeoPoint tmp = datos['position'];
if (count < int.parse(data.id)) count = int.parse(data.id);
final MarkerId markerId = MarkerId(data.id);
LatLng point = LatLng(tmp.latitude, tmp.longitude);
final Marker marker = Marker(
markerId: markerId,
position: point,
infoWindow: InfoWindow(title: 'Id: ' + data.id),
onTap: () {
icon: BitmapDescriptor.defaultMarkerWithHue(
_markers[markerId] = marker;
_markerIdCounter = count + 1;
setState(() {});
final QuerySnapshot result = await firestore.collection('markers').get();
final List<DocumentSnapshot> documents = result.docs;
int count = 0;
documents.forEach((data) {
// I changed this line
Map<String, dynamic> datos = data.data() as Map<String, dynamic>;
GeoPoint tmp = datos['position'];
if (count < int.parse(data.id)) count = int.parse(data.id);
final MarkerId markerId = MarkerId(data.id);
LatLng point = LatLng(tmp.latitude, tmp.longitude);
final Marker marker = Marker(
markerId: markerId,
position: point,
infoWindow: InfoWindow(title: 'Id: ' + data.id),
onTap: () {
icon: BitmapDescriptor.defaultMarkerWithHue(
_markers[markerId] = marker;
_markerIdCounter = count + 1;
setState(() {});