I'm using the joinCountryData2Map
function in rworldmap
to match my data to the countries in the world map.
I get this result:
230 codes from your data successfully matched countries in the map
11 codes from your data failed to match with a country code in the map
11 codes from the map weren't represented in your data
I cannot figure out how to view those two lists of 11 countries. I am guessing that those 11 countries have issues with their ISO2 codes that I need to correct, but am not sure which ones to check without being able to view those two lists.
I'm guessing there's a solution along the lines of just View(SomeObject$Countries)
but I haven't been able to find anything that works.
Set joinCountryData2Map(...,verbose=TRUE)
to print the names of the countries that failed to match in the console.
From the FAQ: "You can see that a summary of how many countries are successfully joined is output to the console. You can specify verbose=TRUE to get a full list of countries"
# Set Angola to fail
countryExData[countryExData$ISO3V10 == "AGO", "ISO3V10"] <- "AGO_FAIL"
# Attempt to join
# With verbose=TRUE, failed joins (ie Angola) are printed in the console
sPDF <- joinCountryData2Map(
countryExData[,c("ISO3V10", "Country")],
joinCode = "ISO3",
nameJoinColumn = "ISO3V10",
verbose = TRUE)
# > 148 codes from your data successfully matched countries in the map
# > 1 codes from your data failed to match with a country code in the map
# > failedCodes failedCountries
# > [1,] "AGO_FAIL" "Angola"
# > 95 codes from the map weren't represented in your data
But what if you want to get the information on failed joins programmatically? I may have missed something, but I don't see an option for that (i.e., str(sPDF)
or function arguments). However, looking at the internals of joinCountryData2Map()
, the object failedCountries
contains the info you want, so it should be easy enough to include it in the returned object.
Here's how you could modify joinCountryData2Map()
to return a list with two elements: the first element is the default object, and the second element is failedCountries
# Modify the function to return the failed joins in the environment
joinCountryData2Map_wfails <- function(
dF, joinCode = "ISO3", nameJoinColumn = "ISO3V10",
nameCountryColumn = "Country", suggestForFailedCodes = FALSE,
mapResolution = "coarse", projection = NA, verbose = FALSE) {
# Retain successful join as first element and failed join as second element
ll <- list() # MODIFIED
mapWithData <- getMap(resolution = mapResolution)
if (!is.na(projection))
warning("the projection argument has been deprecated, returning Lat Lon, use spTransform from package rgdal as shown in help details or the FAQ")
listJoinCodesNew <- c("ISO_A2", "ISO_A3", "FIPS_10_",
"ADMIN", "ISO_N3")
listJoinCodesOld <- c("ISO2", "ISO3", "FIPS",
"NAME", "UN")
listJoinCodes <- c(listJoinCodesOld, listJoinCodesNew)
if (joinCode %in% listJoinCodes == FALSE) {
stop("your joinCode (", joinCode, ") in joinCountryData2Map() is not one of those supported. Options are :",
paste(listJoinCodes, ""), "\n")
joinCodeOld <- joinCode
if (joinCode %in% listJoinCodesOld) {
joinCode <- listJoinCodesNew[match(joinCode, listJoinCodesOld)]
if (is.na(match(nameJoinColumn, names(dF)))) {
stop("your chosen nameJoinColumn :'", nameJoinColumn,
"' seems not to exist in your data, columns = ",
paste(names(dF), ""))
dF[[joinCode]] <- as.character(dF[[nameJoinColumn]])
dF[[joinCode]] <- gsub("[[:space:]]*$", "", dF[[joinCode]])
if (joinCode == "ADMIN") {
dF$ISO3 <- NA
for (i in 1:nrow(dF)) dF$ISO3[i] = rwmGetISO3(dF[[joinCode]][i])
joinCode = "ISO3"
nameCountryColumn = nameJoinColumn
matchPosnsInLookup <- match(as.character(dF[[joinCode]]),
failedCodes <- dF[[joinCode]][is.na(matchPosnsInLookup)]
numFailedCodes <- length(failedCodes)
numMatchedCountries <- nrow(dF) - numFailedCodes
cat(numMatchedCountries, "codes from your data successfully matched countries in the map\n")
failedCountries <- dF[[nameCountryColumn]][is.na(matchPosnsInLookup)]
failedCountries <- cbind(failedCodes, failedCountries = as.character(failedCountries))
cat(numFailedCodes, "codes from your data failed to match with a country code in the map\n")
if (verbose)
matchPosnsInUserData <- match(as.character(mapWithData@data[[joinCode]]),
codesMissingFromUserData <- as.character(mapWithData@data[[joinCode]][is.na(matchPosnsInUserData)])
countriesMissingFromUserData <- as.character(mapWithData@data[["NAME"]][is.na(matchPosnsInUserData)])
numMissingCodes <- length(codesMissingFromUserData)
cat(numMissingCodes, "codes from the map weren't represented in your data\n")
mapWithData@data <- cbind(mapWithData@data, dF[matchPosnsInUserData,
ll[[1]] <- mapWithData # MODIFIED
ll[[2]] <- failedCountries # MODIFIED
return(ll) # MODIFIED
sPDF_wfails <- joinCountryData2Map_wfails(
countryExData[,c("ISO3V10", "Country")],
joinCode = "ISO3",
nameJoinColumn = "ISO3V10",
verbose = TRUE)
# This is the result of the original function
# sPDF_wfails[[1]]
# This is info on the failed joins
# > failedCodes failedCountries
# > [1,] "AGO_FAIL" "Angola"