Pandas_gbq does not append in order

I am using VM instance in google cloud and i want to use bigquery as well. I am trying to append the newly generated report in while loop to last row of the bigquery table every 10 minutes with below script.

 position_size = np.zeros([24, 24], dtype=float)

... some codes here
... some codes here
... some codes here
... some codes here

 while 1:
 current_time =
 if current_time.minute % 10 == 0:
        report = pd.DataFrame(position_size[12:24], columns=('pos'+str(x) for x in range(0, 24)))
        report.insert(loc=0, column="timestamp",
        ... some codes here
        pandas_gbq.to_gbq(report, "", if_exists = 'append')
    except ccxt.BaseError as Error:
        print("[ERROR] ", Error)

But as you can see below screenshot it does not append in an order. How can i solve this issue? Thank you in advance

enter image description here


  • How are you reading results? In most databases (BigQuery included), the row order is indeterminate in the absence of an ordering expression. You likely need an ORDER BY clause in your SELECT statement.