How would you go about getting the absolute of a number in brainfuck?
I originally thought squaring the number ([->+>+<<]>>[-<<+>>]<<[>[->+>+<<]>>[-<<+>>]<<<-]
) and square rooting it would work, but I can't think of a way to square root.
One way to compute the absolute of a number is to identify its sign. If you know how your program represents negative numbers, there is a reddit answer by /u/danielcristofani that explains that, in order to check for the sign of a number, you can
double the number and see if it becomes zero in the process, e.g. with memory layout
0 0 x 0
, this should work, producing0 f 0 0
is the sign flag[>++[<]<[[-]+<+<]>>-]>[-]<
If necessary, you should then apply an x = -x
algorithm, for example its wrapping version:
temp0[-] x[temp0-x-] temp0[x-temp0+]