
change dataframe pivot_table headers to save it in an excel file

I have a nested hearders in a dataframe after pivoting it and I'd like to make it flat, with repeated item on each rows (like in a excel) May you help me ?

import pandas as pd

data = {
  "year": [2022, 2022 , 2021 , 2021 , 2020 ],
  "client": ["A", "B", "B", "C", "C"],
  "product" : [ "P1", "P2" , "P1", "P2", "P1"],
  "sales" : [ 10,20, 20, 22, 25]


df = pd.DataFrame(data)

df2 = df.pivot_table ( index = ["year","client"] , columns = ["product"] , values = ["sales"] , aggfunc ="sum")

product      P1     P2
year    client      
2020    C   25.0    NaN
2021    B   20.0    NaN
        C   NaN     22.0
2022    A   10.0    NaN
        B   NaN     20.0

where I'd like to get a flat header and reapeated rows :

year    client P1   P2  
2020    C   25.0    NaN
2021    B   20.0    NaN
2021    C   NaN     22.0
2022    A   10.0    NaN
2022    B   NaN     20.0

many thanks



  • You need to use droplevel(0) which will remove the top level (Sales). Setting to None will remove the Products. So, after df2 is created, add these lines...

    >> df2.columns = df2.columns.droplevel(0)
    >> = None
    >> df2 =df2.reset_index()
    >> df2
        year    client  P1  P2
    0   2020    C   25.0    NaN
    1   2021    B   20.0    NaN
    2   2021    C   NaN 22.0
    3   2022    A   10.0    NaN
    4   2022    B   NaN 20.0