
Can't stop and delete Google Cloud TPU (Cloud TPU received a bad request. Please use Cloud TPU API with V2 versions.)

I'm trying to stop and delete a TPU node, but I'm getting the following error: Failed to stop gpt-alignment: Cloud TPU received a bad request. Please use Cloud TPU API with V2 versions. [EID: 0xb96542536c043d].

I tried using the Google Cloud Platform website to stop it and got that message.

And I get the following messagewhen I run gcloud compute instances stop gpt-alignment --zone=europe-west4-a in the command line: ERROR: (gcloud.compute.instances.stop) HTTPError 404: The resource 'projects/gpt-alignment/zones/europe-west4-a/instances/gpt-alignment' was not found.

Do I just need to wait it out or is there something I am missing? I've read that sometimes it just takes a while to remove it, but I'm not sure that's the case here?


  • Try accessing it through the CLI with: gcloud compute tpustpu-vm list.

    So this should be:

    gcloud compute tpus stop gpt-alignment --zone=europe-west4-a
    gcloud compute tpus delete gpt-alignment --zone=europe-west4-a

    I'd assume that ctpu is the V1 API and gcloud compute tpus is the V2 API.