
SWIZ: Getting started with first example

I am trying to start with the framework, but it appears to be dramatically hard for some reason. I want to follow complete example posted here http://swizframework.jira.com/wiki/display/SWIZ/Quick+Start

But I have issue on the very beginning. E.g.

           <config:Beans />

The line causes the error: The prefix "config" for element "config:Bean" is not bound. SwizTest.mxml /SwizTest/src line 10 Flex Problem


  • I think you're probably just missing the namespace declaration for the config: part of config:Beans. Flex basically doesn't know what package or folder config prefix is pointing to unless you have that.

    If you look at the application node at the top of the example I think you'll see what's missing: <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" xmlns:view="org.swizframework.quickswiz.view.*" xmlns:config="org.swizframework.quickswiz.config.*" xmlns:swiz="http://swiz.swizframework.org">

    Hope that does the trick.