Trying to get into Shell testing with Bash (5.1.16), using Bats Core. I ran into an issue while trying to test formatting, and already spent 2 hours on it. 🤯
In this test I want to make sure that the text is formatted red.
@test "Message with title only, format 'list', style 'error'" {
run message \
--title="Message Title" \
--format="list" \
# echo "${lines[@]}" >
assert_line --index 0 -p '[31m [✖] Message Title (B[m'
If I dump the Bats Core result lines to a file with echo "${lines[@]}" >
I get:
[31m [✖] Message Title (B[m
StackOverflow does not show the escapes. Here is how it is in IntelliJ
I don't understand why this does not work, while the following in other tests work.
[[ "${output}" == "[30mHello World.(B[m How are you?" ]] # also with ESC in IntelliJ
I assume the underlying code to work, because the output is correct. However, here the underlying code for message()
from sourced file 1:
# arguments and stuff here
if is_false "${no_icons:-}" && is_present "${icon:-}"; then
output_string=" [${icon}] "
unset spaces
text_red "${output_string:-}"
if is_blank "${message:-}"; then
echo "$message" | while read -r line; do
# Indirect color function call # Trim whitespaces from line beginning
text_red " $(echo -e "${line}" | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//')\n"
Here the coloring functions from sourced file 2:
function _print_foreground_color() {
printf "%b" "$(tput setaf "${2:-}" 2>/dev/null)" "${1:-}" "$(tput sgr0 2>/dev/null)"
function text_red() {
_print_foreground_color "${1:-}" 1
My questions:
Any help would be much appreciated!
You can use printf "%q"
to get the value you want to test :
#!/usr/bin/env bash
function _print_foreground_color() {
printf "%b" "$(tput setaf "${2:-}" 2>/dev/null)" "${1:-}" "$(tput sgr0 2>/dev/null)"
function text_red() {
_print_foreground_color "${1:-}" 1
text_red alert; echo
# Output :
# alert in red
printf "%q\n" "$(text_red alert)"
# Output :
# $'\E[31malert\E(B\E[m'
if test "$(text_red alert)" = $'\E[31malert\E(B\E[m'; then
echo "Compared successfully"
# Output :
# Compared successfully