
Extracting PDF Data into a Dataframe

I am trying to take this data and turn it into a dataframe in pandas:

enter image description here

I am using camelot and it is "working" however, I am only getting 2 columns with this code:

import camelot

tables = camelot.read_pdf('Inventory_Summary.pdf', flavor='stream')

what is happening is it is considering everything on the left side 1 columns and the blacked out information the only information in the 2nd column

I want just the informaiton below the date into a dataframe

any help you can provide whould be great!




  • This is how I solved it...

    import PyPDF2
    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    lines = []
    sites = []
    kinds = []
    total_offqc_wip_inv = []
    total_offqc_scale_inv = []
    total_offqc_truck_inv = []
    total_offqc_rail_inv = []
    total_offqc_boat_inv = []
    # creating a pdf file object
    pdfFileObj = open('PDFs/Inventory_Summary.pdf', 'rb')
    # creating a pdf reader object
    pdfReader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(pdfFileObj)
    count = pdfReader.numPages
    # creating a page object
    pageObj0 = pdfReader.getPage(0)
    pageObj1 = pdfReader.getPage(1)
    pageObj2 = pdfReader.getPage(2)
    pageObj3 = pdfReader.getPage(3)
    pageObj4 = pdfReader.getPage(4)
    pageObj5 = pdfReader.getPage(5)
    # extracting text from page
    page0 = pageObj0.extractText().strip()
    page1 = pageObj1.extractText().strip()
    page2 = pageObj2.extractText().strip()
    page3 = pageObj3.extractText().strip()
    page4 = pageObj4.extractText().strip()
    page5 = pageObj5.extractText().strip()
    corrected_page0 = page0.split('07:43am')[+1]
    corrected_page1 = page1.split('07:43am')[+1]
    corrected_page2 = page2.split('07:43am')[+1]
    corrected_page3 = page3.split('07:43am')[+1]
    corrected_page4 = page4.split('07:43am')[+1]
    corrected_page5 = page5.split('07:43am')[+1]
    for line in page0.splitlines():
        if 'Site' in line:
           for word in line.split():
               if word != 'Site': 
        if 'All Shifts' in line:
            for word in line.split():
                if word != 'All':
                    if word != 'Shifts': 
        if 'Total OffQc WIP Inv' in line:
            for word in line.split():
                if word != 'Total':
                    if word != 'OffQc':
                        if word != 'WIP':
                            if word != 'Inv':
        if 'Total OffQc Scale Inv' in line:
            for word in line.split():
                if word != 'Total':
                    if word != 'OffQc':
                        if word != 'Scale':
                            if word != 'Inv':
        if 'Total OffQc Truck Inv' in line:
            for word in line.split():
                if word != 'Total':
                    if word != 'OffQc':
                        if word != 'Truck':
                            if word != 'Inv':
    for line in page1.splitlines():
        if 'Total OffQc Rail Inv' in line:
            for word in line.split():
                if word != 'Total':
                    if word != 'OffQc':
                        if word != 'Rail':
                            if word != 'Inv':
        if 'Total OffQc Boat Inv' in line:
            for word in line.split():
                if word != 'Total':
                    if word != 'OffQc':
                        if word != 'Boat':
                            if word != 'Inv':
    for line in page3.splitlines():
        if 'Site' in line:
            for word in line.split():
               if word != 'Site': 
        if 'All Shifts' in line:
            for word in line.split():
                if word != 'All':
                    if word != 'Shifts': 
        if 'Total OffQc WIP Inv' in line:
            for word in line.split():
                if word != 'Total':
                    if word != 'OffQc':
                        if word != 'WIP':
                            if word != 'Inv':
        if 'Total OffQc Scale Inv' in line:
            for word in line.split():
                if word != 'Total':
                    if word != 'OffQc':
                        if word != 'Scale':
                            if word != 'Inv':
        if 'Total OffQc Truck Inv' in line:
            for word in line.split():
                if word != 'Total':
                    if word != 'OffQc':
                        if word != 'Truck':
                            if word != 'Inv':
    for line in page4.splitlines():
        if 'Total OffQc Rail Inv' in line:
            for word in line.split():
                if word != 'Total':
                    if word != 'OffQc':
                        if word != 'Rail':
                            if word != 'Inv':
        if 'Total OffQc Boat Inv' in line:
            for word in line.split():
                if word != 'Total':
                    if word != 'OffQc':
                        if word != 'Boat':
                            if word != 'Inv':
    d = np.column_stack([sites, kinds, total_offqc_wip_inv, total_offqc_scale_inv, total_offqc_truck_inv, total_offqc_rail_inv, total_offqc_boat_inv])
    df = pd.DataFrame(d)
    # closing the pdf file object