Hello fellow sccm admin,
I wanted to make a report in ssrs to quickly find what permissions a group or user have in sccm. It's also for the purpose to put it in excel format and documentation
After some work here are a simple query:
select RoleName,ObjectTypeName,GrantedOperations,BitFlag,OperationName
from vRBAC_AdminRoles ad
join RBAC_RoleOperations ro on ro.RoleID = ad.RoleID
join vRBAC_AvailableOperations av on av.ObjectTypeID = ro.ObjectTypeID
where RoleName = '[NEW] - Exploitation N1 - 163 SCCM Exploitation N1'
and the result look like this:
RoleName ObjectTypeName calc BitFlag OperationName
ARO - test security role Query SMS_Subscription 1047 1 Read
ARO - test security role Query SMS_Subscription 1047 2 Modify
ARO - test security role Query SMS_Subscription 1047 4 Delete
ARO - test security role Query SMS_Subscription 1047 16 Set Security Scope
ARO - test security role Query SMS_Subscription 1047 1024 Create
My problem is with the "calc" column value which is a sum of all bitflag. In that exemple, this group have all the rights possible; because 1024+16+4+2+1=1047
But when some user have more exotic rights, the numbers goes boom. Below a short exemple :
RoleName ObjectTypeName calc BitFlag OperationName
AF - ETI SMS_Collection 1827831463 1 Read
AF - ETI SMS_Collection 1827831463 2 Modify
AF - ETI SMS_Collection 1827831463 4 Delete
AF - ETI SMS_Collection 1827831463 8 Read BitLocker Recovery Key
AF - ETI SMS_Collection 1827831463 16 Rotate BitLocker Recovery Key
AF - ETI SMS_Collection 1827831463 32 Remote Control
AF - ETI SMS_Collection 1827831463 64 Run CMPivot
AF - ETI SMS_Collection 1827831463 128 Modify Resource
AF - ETI SMS_Collection 1827831463 512 Delete Resource
AF - ETI SMS_Collection 1827831463 1024 Create
1827831463 is the sum of many bitflag but how can i know which "operationname" is refering to? In the best possible way, i would like a simple yes/no or true/false like with a CASE statement
If I understand you correctly you want to check the GrantedOperations for which Operations are set.
In this case this is not simply a sum (although it is) but the Operations are each chosen as powers of two (Read is 2^0, Write 2^1, Create 2^10) which means if you view the GrantedOperations in binary form, each operation set is a different bit flipped from 0 to 1.
Because of this to check the presence of any Operation you can use a binary AND operator with the operation (which will only have one bit set) and if the result is the number of the operation then it means it is set. (This whole Bitflag powers of 2 thing is a very old programming techniques to store settings in integers so you can probably find a lot of articles explaining in detail the advantages if you want).
So this means you can write the query like this:
CASE GrantedOperations & BitFlag
END OperationGranted,
from vRBAC_AdminRoles ad
join RBAC_RoleOperations ro on ro.RoleID = ad.RoleID
join vRBAC_AvailableOperations av on av.ObjectTypeID = ro.ObjectTypeID
and it should lead to the result you wanted.