
Best way to pass parameter while using RxJS forkJoin

So, I have a service that has three functions that I need to execute.

I use forkJoin because I want to take further action when a response has been received for all! One of them needs to receive one parameter.

getDevices(id: string): Observable<IEquipmentRow[]> {
    const url = `${apiUrl}/${id}`;
    return this.http.get<IGetDevicesResponse>(url)
        map(res => {

private regions$ = this.getRegions();
private devices$ = this.getDevices();

public equipmentPreparationData$ = forkJoin({
    regions: this.regions$,
    devices: this.devices$

What is the best way to implement that? Maybe using RxJS Subject/BehaviorSubject? What about RxJS switchMap, can we use it here? I am new with RxJS, so be gentle :)


  • Try with:

    // Change your response type
    public equipmentPreparationData$(deviceID: string): Observable<any> {
     return forkJoin({
        regions: this.regions$,
        devices: this.getDevices(deviceID)
    private getDevices(id: string): Observable<IEquipmentRow[]> {
        const url = `${apiUrl}/${id}`;
        return this.http.get<IGetDevicesResponse>(url)
            map(res => {
    private regions$ = this.getRegions();

    In this way, you can use your function with the parameter and pass through getDevices method