
I want to web scraping from website their product price and name using python and only using beautifulsoup,requests and json modules

i tried web scraping like this. I want to get price and name from product in the website.

and I dont know how to extract specific script include ""product details jason inline script.""<script type="application/ld+json>"

so extract all jason inline script data using beautfulsoup and I Assign it to script. and i tried to many ways to extract specific one script but it dooesn't work. so i tried to slice like list.

i use indexing to extract specific script that i want. and I choose index[6] to isolate the specific script. and i assign variable to name "product script."

after I use some techniques to split and extract the price and product name.

But I want to another way to extract data from json inline script.

This my code:

def function_glomark_name(url_glomark):

    global product_name_glomark

    req2 = requests.get(url_glomark)

    head_part = soup.find('head')
    scripts = head_part.find_all('script')

    product_script = scripts[6]
    #Remove tags    
    pd_list = product_script.contents
    for item in pd_list:
        product_des = item

    # make Dictionary
    product_glomark= json.loads(product_des)

    #Assign product_name_glomark

    product_name_glomark = (product_glomark['name'])
    return product_name_glomark

glomark_coconut = ''

#after calling function





  • To parse contents of the specific <script> you can use this example:

    import json
    import requests
    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
    url = ""
    soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).content, "html.parser")
    s = soup.select_one('script[type="application/ld+json"]')
    data = json.loads(s.text)
    for key, value in data.items():
        print(f"{key=} {value=}")
    print("-" * 80)
    print(f'Name is {data["name"]}')


    key='@context' value=''
    key='@type' value='Product'
    key='productID' value='11624'
    key='name' value='Coconut'
    key='description' value='Coconut'
    key='url' value='/coconut/p/11624'
    key='image' value=''
    key='brand' value='GLOMARK'
    key='offers' value=[{'@type': 'Offer', 'price': '92', 'priceCurrency': 'LKR', 'itemCondition': '', 'availability': ''}]
    Name is Coconut