I wonder if it is possible to pass locators as a parameter to make my function reusable. I tried to do it myself but I am getting "undefined" instead of working test. Cypress error: cy.click() failed because it requires a DOM element. The subject received was:
My code:
(locator, chartValue1) => {
const chartValues = [150, 250, 350, 450, 550, 750, 900];
for (const value of chartValues) {
locator.click(value, chartValue1).then(() => {
.should("not.include.text", "(pon.)")
.should("not.include.text", "(wt.)")
.should("not.include.text", "(śr.)");
I am using this command in test:
it("should do something", () => {
cy.commandName(mainElementsPage.chartRect(), 200);
mainElementsPage content:
class mainElementsPage {
chartRect() {
return cy.get("#chart-grid-rect");
export default mainElementsPage;
I went this way:
(locator, chartValue1) => {
const chartValues = [150, 250, 350, 450, 550, 750, 900];
for (const value of chartValues) {
.click(value, chartValue1).then(() => {
.should("not.include.text", "(pon.)")
.should("not.include.text", "(wt.)")
.should("not.include.text", "(śr.)");
And in test it looks:
it("should do something", () => {
cy.commandName(mainElementsPage.chartRect, 200);
So the thing was about add () to the locator in Cypress.Commands.add() and use locator as string in the test.