
newman, postman's cli runner, can not find a custom reporter

When I run newman with a custom reporter it can not find it, and the error states the reporter should be installed in the newman directory. I am on windows 10. It is named newman-reporter-csvconsole. Where is the newman default directory, to look for reporters?

the reporter package index.js

function csvconsole (emitter, reporterOptions, collectionRunOptions) {
emitter.on('start',function (err, args) 
{ // on start of run, log to console
    console.log('running a collection...');

} module.exports = csvconsole;

I then install a local package

C:\Users<user>\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\newman\newman-reporter-csvconsole>npm init -w newman-reporter-csvconsole -S

C:\Users<user>\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\newman\newman-reporter-csvconsole>npm pack

C:\Users<user>\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\newman>npm install -S ./csvconsoleReporter/newman-reporter-csvconsole-1.0.0.tgz

The package and pack-lock files


"dependencies": { ... "newman-reporter-csvconsole": "file:newman-reporter-csvconsole", ...


"dependencies": { ... "newman-reporter-csvconsole": "file:newman-reporter-csvconsole", ...

"newman-reporter-csvconsole": {
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "license": "ISC"

... "node_modules/newman-reporter-csvconsole": { "resolved": "newman-reporter-csvconsole", "link": true },
... "newman-reporter-csvconsole": { "version": "file:newman-reporter-csvconsole" },


  • module.exports = function csvconsole (emitter, reporterOptions, collectionRunOptions) 
      // emitter is is an event emitter that triggers the following events:
      // reporterOptions is an object of the reporter specific options. See usage examples below for more details.
      // collectionRunOptions is an object of all the collection run options:
      emitter.on('start',function (err, args) 
      { // on start of run, log to console
        console.log('running a collection...');