I have this non-descript CI error is it possible to get something more descript?
Code Snippet below:
$ semgrep-agent
| versions - semgrep 0.81.0 on Python 3.9.10
| environment - running in environment gitlab-ci, triggering event is 'pull_request'
| manage - not logged in
=== setting up agent configuration
| using semgrep rules from https://semgrep.dev/c/p/security-audit
| using semgrep rules from https://semgrep.dev/c/p/secrets
An unexpected error occurred:
<class 'sh.ErrorReturnCode_1'>
RAN: /usr/bin/git merge-base --all b7cb3f8e678d943b4cded2e55d45221fafbde030 FETCH_HEAD
What could be happening is that you are setting the git_depth variable to something too low:
Semgrep needs to fetch commit history to do a diff-aware scan between the source and target branch, so limiting the git_depth might be the cause of some merge-related errors.