I got many serializers named 'InputSerializer' and 'OutputSerializer' which translates to 'Input' and 'Output' schema name in drf-spectacular. This ends up referring the api endpoints to the same schema. Is there a way to override the autogenerated schema names of these serializers without changing the name of the class?
I've run into this a bunch, but never tried to solve it. Looking at the docs I found extended_schema_serializer
, which might do what you need. Here is the full api, and the relevant point:
– override default class name extraction@extended_schema_serializer(component_name="SomeNiceReallyLongId")
class Input(Serializer):
# pass
Its kinda long and ugly, but that can be fixed by a decorator on the decorator :D
I ended up implementing this. Here is the small wrapper I wrote. It just makes things shorter and consistent between serializers and fields.
You can use extended_schema_serializer
more than once on a serializer, so this won't break anything.
@extend_schema_serializer(examples=[]) # other settings
class EditSerializer(ModelSerializer):
# oapi.py
from drf_spectacular.utils import set_override as _set_override
def name(val: str):
def decorator(klass):
if issubclass(klass, BaseSerializer):
_set_override(klass, "component_name", val)
elif isinstance(klass, Field):
_set_override(klass, "field_component_name", val)
raise Exception(f"Unhandled class: {klass}")
return klass
return decorator