I'm trying to generate some C# code using Scriban templates. The DB I'm using is postgresql, so my tables and properties are all in snake_case. I managed to make a function to convert snake case to pascal case:
{{ for word in EntityName | string.split "_" -}} {{~word | string.capitalize}} {{-end}}
This does convert entity_name to the desired EntityName.
And camel case:
{{func split(en)
ret en | string.split "_"
{{for index in 0..@split(EntityName).size -}}
{{-if index == 0}} {{~@split(EntityName)[index]-}} {{-else-}} {{-@split(EntityName)[index] | string.capitalize-}} {{-end-}}
However, I need to use this function multiple times in my template, therefore I wanted to make a function I can use throughout the template, just like the split(en) function I use for the camel case conversion. So I could do something like this everywhere I need it:
{{ @convert(EntityName) }}
Is this possible, and if yes, how?
Any help would be appreciated!
I found another solution to my problem. Instead of creating functions in the template itself, I make a ScriptObject.
public class ScribanHelper : ScriptObject
public static string ConvertToPascalCase(string word)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(word))
return string.Empty;
return string.Join("", word.Split('_')
.Select(w => w.Trim())
.Where(w => w.Length > 0)
.Select(w => w.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + w.Substring(1).ToLower()));
And then I push this to the scriban context to use it in the templates.
var context = new TemplateContext { MemberRenamer = member => member.Name };
var scriptObject = new ScribanHelper();
var templateString = File.ReadAllText(templateSetting.Name);
var template = Template.Parse(templateString);
var entityScriptObject = new ScriptObject();
entityScriptObject.Import(entity, renamer: member => member.Name);
var result = template.Render(context);
And then I can easily use it in the templates.
{{-func pc(name)
ret convert_to_pascal_case name